Zodiac Oracle Pull – end of 2021!

Hey everyone! Check out your November 1st end of year Zodiac Oracle Card Pull. Every year, starting November 1st, I begin an exercise in gratitude and thankfulness. As we wind down the year, and the cold begins to set in, before the holiday season is in full swing, I like to take time each day to speak out my gratitude. It is a really wonderful way to get into the spirit of family, and faith and through this exercise I find freedom. The holidays are less stressful because I am grateful for their purpose. I am kinder to those around me because I am grateful for their place in my life- whether for lesson or love- or both as is often the case. I am thankful for the every day, the commonplace, all the little things that is life on this planet.

Below is my YouTube post detailing a card pull for each sign of the Zodiac with the intention of helping YOU navigate a grateful and abundant end of year. We could all use a little support this time of year. Allow these pulls to help you Surrender to (receive) or Surrender away (release). This will help you achieve a higher quality of life spiritually, emotionally and physically and set you up for a more successful 2022.