Why I Love Market Days

Yesterday, I attended the 5th Holistic Market Day of the season. There are only two more until the season is over and I have to say that it makes me feel a little sad. I LOVE these market days. Here’s why.

Market Friends

I was introduced to the Market community by Nikole, a young woman who was instrumental in helping me get out of my comfort zone. Nikole has since become a great friend and I will forever appreciate that she took the time to help me truly take the first steps on this journey. So Market means friendship to me. Vending at markets means meeting new people. It means connecting with people I never would have connected with otherwise. Some of these connections have formed into the beginning of friendship bonds that I believe can be nurtured to bloom into a beautiful garden of friendship. So, Nikole, thank you for that gift. You are the first blooming flower of friendship in my garden. And there are my new budding flowers…. you know who you are… I look forward to seeing where our relationships take us!

Market Business

Of course, a fundamental purpose of Market is to make money for my business. I am grateful to Market because there has never been a wasted moment. As someone who doesn’t have a business acumen, this is a perfect event to earn income while learning what works and what doesn’t. After all, I want to make my dream of being a self sufficient business entity come true. I love seeing how different each vendor is- how they market their products, themselves, and their services.

It is amazing how so many of us work with energy in various ways yet not one of us does it the same way. A reading from me will offer a different insight than from someone down the lane. It is beautiful to know that we are really competing with ourselves and I find that in business that is a key fundamental. I never understood the power of being the face of my business. What a wonderful thing to have learned!

Finally, I have been able to create a client base not only for my readings and ritual kits, but for my rituals AND my coaching business. These Markets are priceless. So many of my tarot clients are looking for help that needs to go deeper than a reading. My coaching can be that for them. I am very grateful for my coaching clients that came to me because of the Magic of the Market.

Market Magic

And of course, last but not least, is the magic. If nothing convinces you of the very real magic that is community, human connection, and the beauty of unabashed individuality, coming to Market will. There are magic people, magic rocks, magic herbs, magic oils and magic wands. Literally, Magic is everywhere. Walking the Market you realize that MAGIC is in you and that YOU are magic. Human connection is serious magic. Humans that are good stewards of one another and the earth are magic. Humans that are purveyors of all the splendors of the Earth are magic. And humans that purchase these magically natural wonders, whether tangible or energetic, are magic. Light workers, and humans that are spiritually in tune with one another, the Earth and the Divine, are magic. Market is the manifestation of Magic.

Bring your Magic…

I would love to create a Magical Moving Market. We would travel all over the country and bring our Magic to every town and city. For now, I am happy with my little rural PA Holistic Market. There are two left for the season and I hope, if you are a local, that you come and visit me and my fellow Magic makers. Click HERE for the event link for the upcoming October 2nd Market. It’s rain or shine and thankfully we are under cover! If you are NOT local, check out my Ritual wares HERE and my services HERE! And as always, feel free to CONTACT me ANYTIME!