Things to look forward to!

Happy Monday everyone! I am not pulling a card today but I am coming to you with some ideas I have for future posts and small class ideas. We will soon be entering the cooler seasons where we are likely to stay home and hunker down as the wheel turns through Autumn and Winter. This Autumn, however, I would like to dive in to some concepts like ancestors, family, and how those who came before us contributed to who we are now. As Samhain approaches I thought this would be a terrific way to spend the month of October. There is something to be said for honoring those who came before us. We will tackle creating an ancestral altar in order to acknowledge our ancestors and invite into our lives the lessons they learned- whether they taught them to us themselves or through their example- good or bad. No matter what the relationship- there is a legacy there that has helped contour our lives, our way of thinking, and how we look to preserve our own legacy as we travel the path of our lives.

For November, I would like to focus on the idea of Thanksgiving and the role of gratefulness in our day to day life. A couple of years ago I did a daily live on Facebook discussing one thing I was grateful for each day from Thanksgiving until Christmas. I encouraged my followers to comment on what they were grateful for each day as well. It was a really good exercise in reminding ourselves to set aside our feelings, our egos, and our desires and wants, and find one thing to be thankful for every day even when things may be difficult. Be prepared come November 1st! We are going to light this season with the light of intentional gratefulness!

December is probably my favorite month of the year because it is the month of my birthday! I know. I’m still very much a child at heart. It is also the winter solstice and Christmas so I would like to explore the lore, myths, and traditions behind both celebrations and how they are similar and how they are different. I come from a Christian background and believe that my whimsical witchy ways work well within the constructs of my Christian faith regardless of what friends on both sides of my path say. It is, after all, my path.

I will also continue to offer my Turning of the Wheel special during the weeks leading up to solstice. This $6 special will be offered exclusively in the weeks leading up to the autumnal and vernal equinox as well as the winter and summer solstice. There will also be fun rituals and ideas to celebrate these solar holidays along with my usual lunar ones!

Finally, last but not least, I will be chatting this month about my abundance ritual and crystal grid to be finished in time for the New Moon in Virgo on September 17th. It’s coming so quickly! We will talk why I chose abundance for this New Moon and the crystals, herbs, oils, and ritual involved over the next week and a half. This is something I plan to do with each New Moon. Feel free to participate on your own or with me. Just send me an email or follow my Facebook page. I will create a separate group for rituals if a few of you care to join me!

Have a great evening! Thanks for stopping by!