The Moon: Light in the Darkness

The Light Seer’s Tarot, The Moon

The Moon has been a guiding light for human beings since the beginning of human existence. When the sun sets and darkness reigns it is in our nature to seek out the light in order to conquer the mysteries of the night. The Moon is illuminator of the night sky, reflecting the light of the sun, so we can navigate the darkness more easily, avoiding predators that await in the shadows. When the Moon is dark, we know to seek shelter before the day falls, and rest until morning, careful to plan out our intentions and actions.

La Luna is the Light in the Darkness, ancient. She is a celestial Timekeeper, as old as time. The big three religions, those that have formed my foundation and belief system, all have something about following the Moon, or reference her and her phases in significant ways. Here are some examples.


The Wild Unknown– The Moon

Qur’ān, al-Inshiqāq, 84:16-9
“BUT NAY! I take an oath (by time) as it witnesses the setting sun,
then passes on to the unfolding night, and then to the moon as it
grows to its fullness, – you will most certainly (be able) to travel from stage to stage (in time).”

I start with Islam because the Muslim calendar is entirely based on the lunar calendar. Ramadan, for example, is scheduled according to the lunar cycle. There are some Muslims who believe that they should read the Qur’ān, every month over the course of the lunar month. From crescent moon to crescent moon, this is lunar time and it is said that living this way, by faith, will lead Muslims to a timeless world.

Living according to lunar time is also living attuned to Allah, the Divine. At the crescent moon, the moon is “young.” Muslims are called to act with youthfulness and strength of purpose toward whatever work they are called to do. Living by the lunar calendar is a way for Muslims to experience time differently, better and more faithfully than the rest of the world, where everything and everyone moves too fast. This system of time was ordained by Allah and therefore beneficial to everyone. It is important to note that not all Muslims follow lunar time- some may not have ever heard of it. If anyone would like my references regarding this portion, please feel free to contact me!


“The other nations count by the sun, while Israel counts by the moon” (Sukkah 29a)

Yesterday was the New Moon. This celestial occasion coincided with Rosh Hashanah, like it does every year. Though I am Christian by faith, I have been incredibly influenced by Judaism and the beauty of the Jewish faith and religious culture.

Yom Teruah, meaning “day of shouting or blasting, or Rosh Hashanah meaning “head of year,” celebrates the very first day of the Universe. With prayer and mediation, celebrants are careful about their actions on this day because these actions can impact the rest of the year. I think of it as a New Moon with a powerful punch. This is when I love to dedicate myself to long term intentions like my Abundance Grid from LAST year.

Like in Islam, the crescent moon begins and ends the Jewish month, and there are rituals and celebrations attached to them. Rosh Chodesh is an ancient celebration of the New Moon. It reminded the early Jews that change was inevitable. As the phases change, so can our circumstances- even when they are dark and seemingly hopeless.

Rosh Chodesh, the New Moon, was once especially cherished by Jewish women. It was on the New Moon that they were rewarded with a break from their daily work. This is because the Israelite women before them resisted worshiping the Golden Calf during the Exodus. It also represents God’s promise that the Jews will, no matter how dark times get, one day be restored to their full glory. Again, this may not represent the views of ALL Jewish people. If you would like my references, please contact me!


Shadowscapes Tarot– The Moon

“But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light” Mark 13:24

The moon is not as celebrated or followed in Christianity as it is in Judaism and Islam. The Gregorian calendar, which is the typical calendar most of us follow, was instituted by the Christian church. The moon is referenced in the New Testament, or the Christian Bible, mostly with respect to end times events.

The New Testament is Sun driven. The Sun is also the Son who redeems all of mankind. Metaphorically, there are many Christians who view the moon as very important from a metaphorical perspective. In this view, it is a purposeful and necessary part of their faith. If Christ is the “sun,” then Christians are the moon. They are the reflected light of the sun so that those who encounter them may know the Son.

Additionally, the Moon represents the passage of time, much like in Judaism and Islam. Though most Christian holidays are based on the Gregorian calendar, Resurrection Sunday, or Easter, is not. Resurrection Sunday is the Highest of Holy Days to Christianity. It is the celebration of the very reason for its existence- the resurrection of Christ. This holiday is planned each year around the LUNAR calendar. This is also why Easter and Passover are often within days of each other.

In the end, while Christianity doesn’t necessarily promote lunar ritual, it IS found in its early days. At that time there weren’t Christians so much as there were Jewish followers of Christ. While there may not be Christian lunar practices other than Easter, there is a foundation of lunar tradition found in the Bible. Both testaments hold the moon in powerful esteem. And remember, the Old Testament is a vital part of the Christian faith.

The Moon as a Foundation

In the end, none of the religions mentioned condones the worship of the Moon. However, each faith is heavily founded upon the Moon having a very specific purpose. All three Holy books make mention of the moon and in major ways. I do not worship the moon, but instead follow it’s time keeping properties in order to maintain order, intentions, and action in my life. I am grateful for its creation and to the One who created it.

However you choose to celebrate the La Luna is entirely your choice! She is there for all to enjoy and to align with if they so choose! Let me know if you have any interest in lunar living! Contact me HERE for details!