The Empath, Tarot and Coaching

The Empath

I have been reading Tarot for all of my adult life. That translates to 26 years, which is a long time. I picked up Tarot because I had a way of connecting to people in such a way that I could feel what they were feeling. I didn’t know the meaning of the word empath, nor did I know that I was an empath, but my entire life I felt weird, awkward, and way too sensitive because everywhere I went and everyone I met had an immediate effect on me and my emotions. Sometimes, these connections would last longer than they should and leave me feeling confused and emotional for no reason. I finally realized that I needed a way to figure out how to make this crazy feelings work for me. This is how I found Tarot.


My first deck was the Herbal Tarot by Michael Tierra. I remember finding it at an occult store in South Philly. It was like coming home. Each card spoke to me in a way that nothing ever had. I understood that the cards weren’t magic. They were illustrated descriptions of the human condition. Once I recognized that, I realized that each card could apply to almost anyone at any time. When I read someone’s cards I knew that there would be meaning for them. I benefited by connecting to thousands of people through the years and helping many of them in this small way. Over the years I have picked up many other decks but I mostly use the Wild Unknown Tarot now because it speaks to my soul and cuts through a lot of nonsense. Regardless of the deck, through this incredible tool, I found a way to channel these emotional connections. I learned that I could control, for the most part, the wild empathy that electrified my whole existence.

Over time, however, I realized that when I read cards for people, the readings tended to be more about life lessons, potential, and possibilities. I never claimed to be a “fortune teller,” nor am I a psychic. Through energetic connection, and the power of intuition and empathy, I realized that through Tarot I could help people navigate their life path for at least a little while. It took many years before I realized that my readings were really just mini coaching sessions. This is why I decided to begin a path to coaching.

Coaching & Tarot

Throughout the years I have come across all parts of what we humans have to deal with, the human condition. There are so many common themes. I can tell you this, for all of our differences we are very much the same in so many ways. I have learned to love way more as a result of this journey. Even empaths get angry and frustrated with people we don’t like or disagree with. Reading for people helps soften the edges and never ceases to remind me that we really are all bound in some way.

This bond between us is why I went and got my Master’s degree in Human Services Counseling. I didn’t want to go into therapy. As an empath, no matter how grounded, I would have lost my mind. To understand the psycho-social aspects of our species from a clinical and academic perspective was what I was after. I wanted to know the neurology, biology, and physiology that makes us who we are. I wanted reasons and I definitely got them. The cost was worth the education.

After I graduated, I knew I want to get my coaching certification. I could think of no better way than to gather more tools for my tool box. I enrolled in the Life Purpose Institute for Life Coaching to help people navigate what I now consider the most important thing we can do in our lives- figure out our purpose, find clarity of spirit, and take action to achieve it all. This course of action has impacted my life path, reinforced my life’s passionate purpose, and provided with significantly more ways to help other people.

Tarot or Coaching- Let’s chat!

I love what I do. Whether it’s reading your cards or walking your path as a coach. Either way, I am coaching someone who needs help, guidance, and understanding. Both give me the opportunity to love, ro express kindness, and to use my empathy and intuition for good. For those of you that have supported me along the way I am eternally thankful. And those of you who I have yet to meet? I look forward to walking your path for a while as you take steps to manifest the life you were created to live.

If you’re looking for a reading, please check out my services page. I do readings via Zoom or in person if you’re local. If you’re looking for coaching, I am offering a terrific introductory offer- 7 sessions of coaching for half the cost of 6 sessions at my full rate. Check out my coaching page on Facebook for details or contact me here until my coaching website goes live!