Tarot Reveal 9/14


All right everyone! Time for the Tarot Reveal from yesterday’s post! The deck I used for this reading is the Prisma Visions Tarot by James R Ead. If you would like to purchase your OWN deck please click HERE!

Here we go! Card one, with the Sunstone tower, is Inverted Judgement. The second card, with the Astrophyllite tower, is Inverted Fool. Finally, card three, with the Moonstone tower, is the Inverted Four of Pentacles. I will break this down in three sections. Find your choices and remember it is OK if you mixed and matched for this!!

Card/Crystal 1- Inverted Judgement & Sunstone

Inverted Judgement- This card is asking you to step back and take a good look at yourself. Your actions, words, and motivations. Perhaps your behavior has been out of sync with your words. People are starting to notice and will begin to call you on it before long. This does not mean you’re a bad person but it begs of you to look inside and really reflect on whether you have been living up to your own standards. It’s ok to admit it if you’ve been wrong. There is no shame in righting wrongs and no one will ever hold that against you. What people will hold against you is never saying you’re sorry when you’ve clearly acted badly. And not just any people- the people who mean the most to you. Take your ego out of the equation. Something is out of whack. Fix it.

Sunstone- Sunstone is ALL about the power of the Sun. This stone is asking you to actually ENJOY the people and situations in your life instead of taking everything so seriously. There are too many unknowns in life to take joy for granted and Sunstone is desperate to bring you joy. This is also a reminder to be a light for others. The longer you choose your darkness the harder it is to ever see the light. Sunstone begs you to embrace the light, feel the light, become the light. Enjoy WHAT you can WHILE you can. We don’t know what tomorrow brings so enjoy the moment now.

Card/Crystal 2- Inverted Fool & Astrophyllite

Inverted Fool- This is a tough time for you. You want to move forward, you want to be free but something is holding you back. It’s almost like you have an idea, you want to move forward, get excited and then…. you snuff it out before it can even take shape. The Fool is all about new beginnings and taking leaps of faith. Inverted Fool is more or less the opposite of that. It’s standing on the precipice and then backing away. What are you afraid of? Do you really have anything to lose? Is anything you MIGHT lose worth keeping? This card is NOT telling you to be stupid and take thoughtless action. Instead, it is asking you take a chance on something that could turn out to be the best thing you ever did. Maybe you’re comfortable being stuck. Perhaps, you’re content to be miserable. This card is asking you to wake up and move on. It’s time to get over yourself.

Astrophyllite- Though these crystals and cards don’t necessarily HAVE to go together, Card/Crystal 1 and now Card/Crystal 2 seem to work together beautifully! Astrophyllite is about transformation and allowing what shines bright within you to take the wheel and kick some ass. This crystal is about your life journey. It’s beckoning to you to take action to align yourself with your purpose. This relatively rare piece asks you to choose to be different, to take the path that frightens you because it is the best path. Come to terms with your fears and you poor past decisions. Make peace with yourself and take action. Now is the time. There really is no reason to wait.

Card/Crystal 3- Inverted Four of Pentacles & Moonstone

Inverted Four of Pentacles- This card is asking you to take a serious look at your life and the things in it. What is their real value? Will the tangible things possible truly bring you health and happiness; is this the wealth you’re seeking? Could there be a better opportunity elsewhere? Look around you. Are you exchanging intangible spiritual joy and relationship for tangible wealth that may not bring you joy at all? You may be taking for granted what you have for what you think you want in the future. In the meantime, you may be bleeding invaluable growth for something cheap. Reassess your pleasures and the value you place on everything and everyone in your life. Maybe there is a better balance than you think.

Moonstone- Moonstone is a good luck stone and it helps illuminate a traveler’s path. It’s a destiny stone. This crystal is asking you determine whether you have peace and harmony. Have you been too log on a dark path? Remember, the moon illuminates the darkness. Moonstone is attempting to bring you out of the darkness and into the light. Allow Moonstone to help you connect with your truest self. This will then help you get back on the path of your true purpose. Change is scary but Moonstone reassures you that in this case, change is healthy and necessary. Be confident and make your choices with conviction. No one lives a life without making a mistake. To be too mistake averse is to never really live. If you live in fear of what could go wrong you will never, ever figure out how right life can be.

Final Thoughts on this Tarot Reveal

These cards and crystals could really be put together for a full reading. So, for whoever out there chose all of it for guidance, there is a clear instructional path and warning. Don’t let life pass you by because you are afraid. Holding on to things and beliefs that keep you rooted in place when there could be better opportunities will only make you more negative and less likely to attract what you seek. Embrace the light of the Sunstone and the Moonstone, and the rare magic of Astrophyllite. Things are going to happen anyway. You may as well face it on your terms!

Thanks for taking part in this pull! If you would like a full reading, please contact me HERE! My service menu can be found HERE with all of my readings and price points. Readings can be done via Zoom or in person if you are local. Hope to hear from you soon!