Tarot- Is it the Devil’s Tool?

This is a legitimate concern for many people especially people of faith. Though I have been slinging cards, reading tarot for decades, as a Christian, it is something that I also think about. I believe that objects are neither good nor evil. A person and their intention and action is what lends an object a moral or immoral characteristic. By themselves, I do not consider tarot cards evil. Nor do I consider using them evil. Because of this I have been dismissed by other Christians who do not understand what I do and why. In the end, it is between me and my Creator, after all. Sometimes, it makes for some difficult moments, though.

How I view tarot.

I love the art on the cards. I love the idea that the cards chronicle the possibilities that life offers. When I use the cards it is always fascinating to me that every card holds some sort of a message. It’s in the art, the words of the deck creator, and in how I interpret the cards with respect to my connection with the client. I do not think the cards are magic. I’m sorry. I know this may disappoint many people. I also don’t believe in spirit guides and this is MOSTLY because I have a healthy understanding of the depths that evil will go to convince unsuspecting people of evil’s “goodness.” We really cannot have any knowledge of that so the only spirit I commune with is the Holy Spirit.

So what does this have to do with tarot? Well, a lot. I do not ask the cards anything. Neither should the client. We meet and there is always a connection between us. The cards serve, for me and my way of reading, the function of elaborating on the connection. I am not a fortune teller. I do not divine anything. The cards don’t either. I am always concerned when people put so much stock in “what the cards say.” The cards say nothing. They simply reflect an aspect of the client’s needs. Personally, I see no magic in it except for the incredibly rich experiences I have with people when we talk about difficult times, how to get over them, and how much they are loved by their Creator.

As a side note, I pray before and after each reading that I serve my client as a messenger of the Most High God of all and that I do not falter in my conviction. I ask for protection from any evil that would thwart or infect my interaction. Finally that the interaction is blessed by God and sanctioned by His Holy Spirit.

Why do I use tarot?

It’s fair to ask why I use tarot. The fact is this- I don’t need to use a deck of cards to help anyone. I know that I was gifted with discernment, empathy and intuition. There are many broken souls seeking light. I was gifted with light. Because the church has played a part in breaking so many people there is a devastating sense of loss and mistrust of God and Jesus. It is hard to blame anyone for that. However, what I like about how I use tarot is that I can meet these people as a believer, tell them I am a Christian, tell them that there is no magic in the reading except the magic that exists as a result of their creation.

I use tarot to be a lampstand for those who are seeking shelter from life’s worst storms. They often feel abandoned by God. Those who choose ME to do a reading almost ALWAYS feel that God has turned their back on them. They struggle with faith, guilt, and lack the ability to accept or offer forgiveness. In almost every instance I can feel the hand of God in every moment of my time with them. I am honored to be able to convey the message that God loves them and that they are loved and cherished. It isn’t necessarily a conversion experience but it can refocus people back to their Creator who loves them and created them with a specific purpose. I leave the rest to the Holy Spirit. I am not called to convert people but to only be a point of contact between them and God.

It sounds a little shady.

I know. I hear it from the pagans I work around and other Christians I know. The rejection is REAL. And painful. What can I say? It isn’t for them to judge. God’s path for me is not theirs nor is it yours. It is mine. And their judgment can be painful though I understand the skepticism. Had I not felt the presence of God in every moment, the forgiveness of my Savior, and the redemptive grace He has brought to my life, I would doubt as well. The burden of my gift is enormous however the blessings are tenfold.

I know that many of you will be upset by this regardless of where you stand on the issue. I only know my calling and purpose with regard to the tool I use. Even my ritual kits which anyone can use for whatever they like, are grounded in my belief. Because God created all of these wonderful things- crystals, plants, and earth- I believe they can be used in intentional work in relationship with Him. So many churches use these same things in their ritual rites. And ritual is so helpful to keep people focused on what is important to them.

In the end…

So I will continue to do my thing until I am called to leave this path behind. I can already feel that this is probably certain to happen as the world continues on its path toward inevitability. I honestly believe everyone should read their Bible and study prophecy. To be clear- that will help you far more than any reading I, or anyone else, could ever offer. One of my favorites is Tim Lahaye’s Prophecy Bible which you can find HERE on Amazon. If my business leads one person to Truth then it will have been worth ALL the shade thrown at me from every side. I could be crazy. I know. But I am certain that I am a daughter of the one true God, who alone deserves all the glory.

I leave you with Romans 15:13- May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.