Tarot Card Pull!

Make your choice!

Hey everyone! It has been a WHILE since I did a tarot card pull for you! FAR too long! I am finding that full time business building is HARD, time consuming, and frustrating! Hahah. It is also great, though, to be my own boss. So, for those of you who have actively supported me- you are the BEST. Thank you. It can feel a little hopeless sometimes but you all help me remember WHY I do this in the first place.

Three Cards, Three Crystals

So, in honor of all this love and appreciation, I am doing a three card pull today. I have a feeling that this will be like a mini reading for some and for others a single card/crystal message. I have REALLY liked how it worked out in the past by including the crystals with the cards to lend some extra meaning so remember- choose your card, of course, but also choose your crystal. If the crystal that’s screaming your name is attached to the card that’s ALSO screaming your name- then BOTH have messages for you and you may want to really pay attention. Of course, you may choose the quiet prompt that this whole reading has meaning for you so go with it. Maybe nothing is calling you! If so- hey, that’s all good. There’s no message for you here.

You can even decide NOT to choose a card at all but instead a crystal, or two or three! I chose three crystal towers today’s pull- Sunstone, Astrophyllite, and Moonstone. Remember, the crystals often have as MUCH to say as the cards so choose whatever you feel called to!

The Tarot Card Pull!

Today, I’m going to use the Prisma Visions Tarot by James R. Eads for our tarot card pull. He is a fabulous artist and deck writer. I have two of his decks and I love them. You can buy your own deck HERE or through his website. For now, take a few moments to breathe deeply and look at the cards and the crystals. Do any of them call out to you? If so, write down which ones. Remember this is YOUR choice and you can choose as many or as few as you feel compelled to. You can share your choices with me or keep them to yourself.

Card 2- Astrophyllite
Card 1- Sunstone
Card 3- Moonstone

Tomorrow, I will do the reveal! I will post it later on in the evening so that everyone gets a chance to choose! Love card pulls like these? I have done several here on my website! Can’t wait til tomorrow? Check out this card pull from June HERE and follow the same process. After you make your choices, click HERE for the reveal! In the meantime, I hope you all have a terrific day an thanks again for everything. You guys are awesome!