Super New Moon in Scorpio

Happy Super New Moon in Scorpio! I love this New Moon. It represents a time when I can put the last year to rest, be grateful for the abundance of my harvest, examine lessons I have learned, revisit lessons I was supposed to learn but may still need to work through, and set intentions that are designed to help me navigate the new year.

Every year, I take herbs and flowers from my garden and I bunch them up and hang them around my home. I like to place them where I can see them. They are the last of the season’s harvest and their beauty helps to remind me that the planting season is not that far away and they are comfort through the dark winter months. Green, yellow, red, purple, yellow, orange… so many beautiful colors from so many different kinds of plants. Sage, lemon balm, lavender, mint, rosemary, thyme, and basil…. so many beautiful scents. I replace the bunches from the past year with the new bundles and I burn them. The fire is a purification of all of mine and my family’s intentions. Our hopes, our dreams, our successes , our failures, our laughter, and our tears.

As these bundles from last year burn I set my intentions for the new year. Sometimes, they are vague, sometimes very specific. I thank God for all of His blessings and ask for guidance. I also ask for Courage & Wisdom, Love, Health, Peace, Forgiveness, Abundance, and Protection for me and my loved ones. This is a humbling and empowering moment. Mostly, I am just grateful and I ask for the strength to always be grateful even when it’s hard. To always have hope. To always stay on my path.

Finally, I take a scoop from each of my crystal infused herbal salts and I blend them all together. I then surround my home as best I can with all of my intentions. If you are interesting in doing what I do for your home- check out my Ritual Intentions line HERE crystal infused herbal salts. These are the 7 intentions I use and the same blends. Contact me HERE for more information!

As the wheel turns toward the winter months, as we store our harvest in preparation for the cold, and look forward to a time of rest as best as we can in this wild and unpredictable world, what are your rituals to honor the passage of time and all that goes with it?