Ritual Intentions- Courage & Wisdom

Courage & Wisdom Ritual Intentions Kit

Courage and Wisdom are both invaluable virtues. Sometimes, life throws us curve balls and we find we lack one, the other or both. Don’t worry! This is part of the human condition. We are imperfect and it takes intention and action to build courage and develop wisdom. I created this kit with BOTH intentions in mind because I see the two walking hand in hand. Without one I find that we lack the other. True courage comes from being wise in our fears. True wisdom comes from experiencing life with courage.

Creating the Wise & Courageous intentions: Self-Care

Crystals, herbs, salts, and oils will NOT magically make you wise or courageous. Any practitioner who tells you that is probably a little shady. Wisdom is born of rational thought, empathy, and lessons learned. Courage comes from choosing wise action over fear. What I have found is that we all need a reminder. Human beings are bodies with minds and souls. We are multi-sensory beings and those senses help us navigate our path. The earth provides so much to fulfill our senses. Plants, animals, the elements, and rocks and minerals in all colors, shapes, textures, and scents to enrich us with their magic. I gathered herbs, oils and crystals that resonate with wisdom and courage invoking energies. The intention started with me and ends with you. If you choose this kit it means you are looking for encouragement toward your intention. These tools can help you along the way.

When I feeling scared or unable to discern the best course of action to take due to lack of wisdom, I turn to this kit. When the need for action is imminent, I will fill the mesh bag with the crystal infused herbal salts and put them under my pillow or carry them with me. Often, I pour them into a ritual bowl and sit outside in my garden for extra grounding as I sift through the mixture with my fingers. Whatever you choose to do is fine. The purpose is to be better equipped to follow my instincts and knowledge into the best choice. The earthy scents of the herbs and the cleansing power of salt work together to pull out impurities from my mind, body and spirit. I will anoint candles and other tools with the crystal infused oils or simply carry the roller with me so I can breathe in the smells that associate with my intention.

The Ritual of Wisdom and Courage

I tend to perform ritual around the New and Full Moon. Intention setting and manifestation is easier for me that way. I will light candles, use herbs, candles, crystals and oils as my tools for ritual intention setting. This kit is ideal for this kind of magic. The salt lends protection while the herbs, oils and crystals work together to consecrate your intention into action. My favorite use of these tools is as a grid. Add some extra crystals and you can create a powerful talisman as you navigate you path toward wisdom and courage. There is power in aligning these tools in a ritual toward goal manifestation. You are using your own magic along with profound earth magic to help you take action. That’s what it’s all about.

Two Kings of Tarot

The King of Wands is the very spirit of courage, as he stands strong with the heart of a lion. This card resonates with Courage so much because he is a King that is unafraid to go after what he needs. He represents confidence and strength despite the natural fear of the unknown. The King of Wands takes his chances and know that whatever the outcome he will be victorious either by prize or by lesson. Imagine you embracing the spirit of this King, living your life intentionally, overcoming fear, and taking action to manifest your soul’s desire!

The King of Cups is another powerful Tarot player that embodies Wisdom. This is a King who rules with compassion. Without Wisdom, there can be no compassion. King of Cups is also powerfully protective. I like this King because he embraces the masculine and the feminine. This is also great wisdom- understanding the need for both in your life creates the best outcomes.

I blend these products in order to serve your highest purpose. Do you have the wisdom and the courage to pick up a kit and start your journey? Click here for purchase information! If you would like to know more about these incredible characters of Tarot click here to find out about my readings! Be brave. Be wise. Live intentionally!