Oracle Pulls!

Oracle Pulls! Coaching! Tarot! Love what I do! However, I am excited to announce a new addition to my online business presence. I realize that I am not that comfortable with technology. Though I understand the importance of it, I struggle utilizing it due to what I perceive as the impersonal nature of the internet at large. In this business, I am especially sensitive about it. There are so many charlatans. So many phonies. They prey on people who are desperately needing attention, care, and guidance. The internet is a safe place for those predators and it hurts my heart.

However, after some coaching, I realized that my fear of jumping in to tech is grounded in being lumped in with these other people. I can still be me- offering what I can to those who need it- and not be what I despise. Someone told me, how are they going to get to know you otherwise? In this day and age, I realize that in order to be a light among trash I need to be more proactive.

So, I am instituting a few different things. One is better utilization of my YouTube channel. I will be posting at least twice a week. One post will be Oracle Card pulls and another will be about ritual or some other magical, tarot, coaching, topic! I am hoping to post more often as I get used to this so who knows what will happen!

On my website I will be offering weekly Astrological Card pulls. This will be a Sunday event for you to carry with you through your week. I will also be posting a weekly Top 5…. This will be crystals, oils, herbs, cards, even resources. I realize that I can do these things and still stay true to who I am and continue to stand in my integrity.

So, though I have a couple of posts on my YouTube channel this is the first post of the kind I’ve just described. It’s a special Oracle Pull for ALL of my people. Enjoy it. And NEVER EVER FORGET- You are Hope. You are Magic. You are Love. Contact me HERE for more personal readings or to inquire about coaching!