New Moon, Stillness, Peace of Mind

Where I can ALWAYS find sacred stillness….

This morning was difficult for me and it may still end with difficulty. I cannot control how others interact with me and how they react to my needs. I can, however, work on how I respond to the people and situations that complicate my ability to find stillness, to find peace. I am a work in progress, as I noted before, and I am not perfect but I am doing the best I can. When I know what causes me to unravel it behooves me to communicate those triggers to the people who activate my adrenaline response, which 100% of the time destroys any chance I have of feeling peace of mind . My body reacts very badly to stress and often manifests in a severe form of insomnia. I go out of my way to avoid people and situations that trigger that reaction. I can only do the best I can. If I lose my capacity to find stillness, to find peace, I lose my ability to function properly and that is often catastrophic for me and it debilitates my ability to respond, to listen, and to function. We all have that struggle at one time or another so finding a place of stillness is essential for all of us. Even if all you can do is take a deep breath and walk away then that is a terrific first step to getting to much needed place of stillness. It won’t always be easy but you aren’t alone. We are in it together.

If you can build up to and master the discipline required for stillness you will find a wondrous sense of freedom. In our busy hectic world, one that is full of distraction and noise, it can be very difficult to just exist for a short while in stillness. We take in all that stress, anger, and anxiety (all negative energy) whether it is ours or not, whether we realize it or not, and our bodies and spirits absorb it and it becomes a mantle of heavy armor. After too long, it gets far to painful and difficult to move forward, so our bodies slump and our spirit becomes diminished. Sometimes, this negative energy manifests into physical symptoms- lethargy, headaches, body pain, insomnia, and fatigue not to mention the emotional symptoms including depression and anxiety. It is OK to let people know your boundaries so that you can keep and maintain the peace of mind you require. The world is not an easy place and life can be difficult. Added to that are our own personal stories, hurts, pains, emotional and physical issues. Creating a path to sacred stillness in our lives can help alleviate some of those sources of stress so we can make it through each day.

I am not good at stillness. Anyone who knows me knows that. I am either exhausted or a bundle of energy. I need to become more adept at sacred stillness because I am better for it when I can actually attain it. It is so hard for me to set aside my thoughts and feelings in order to center myself appropriately for stillness. Because I know this about myself, I decided to be proactive in setting up the abundance grid that I will activate tomorrow, at the dawn of the new lunar cycle. I will share the details about the grid and my process tomorrow, but it was helpful to begin this afternoon so as not to rush activation in the morning. I want to activate it in sacred stillness. I know I get distracted easily by my own thoughts, concerns, and worries and I do not want that to happen when activating my mindfully prepared intention for this grid. I needed to create a moment of stillness today so as to prepare for the necessary state of stillness tomorrow.

Tomorrow’s New Moon begins the first lunar cycle in autumn. We are but a few days from the astronomical change of season, and past the meteorological change of season, from summer to fall so this is an excellent new moon to take a deep breath and practice some sacred stillness. If you are considering setting an intention, take the next 24 to 48 hours of this dark/new moon time in the cycle to meditate, pray, and focus. Open yourself up the energy of your intention and allow it to become a part of you so that your body actually holds the intention in every single cell as you take steps on the path to manifesting the intention. Try to take some time in a state of sacred stillness- even if it’s just for a few minutes. You will feel better for it.

Tomorrow I will post my grid with brief rundown of my ritual and ALSO do a New Moon card pull! Have a great night everyone.

Photo by Alexandro David on