Happy Full Moon in Pisces!



Good morning everyone! I wanted to get a quick post in this morning before I went to work. This full moon is also known as the Corn Moon. This is not typical as usually September’s full moon is called the Harvest moon because it is usually the closest full moon to the equinox. This year, like almost everything else, is different! The Harvest moon will be on October 1st. The Corn moon is similar, though, as it dates back to the Native American tribes that would harvest their corn, rice,  and squash in preparation for winter so it is still a harvest moon. In Europe this moon is called the Fruit moon and in China it is the Hungry Ghost moon! I love looking up the tales and lore about the moon names and cycles from other cultures.

This moon is also in Pisces. If you are into astrology you know that Pisces is a water sign and water is often associated with emotional life. Pisces tends to be about feeling deeply and intuition. So, this moon could be attributed to any overwhelming feelings you’ve been having the past couple of days. Maybe even a little oversensitivity. Not that this is bad thing. I believe that cycles of emotions are healthy and they help us decipher what exactly we think, feel, and where we stand on important things and people that affect our lives. It’s how we respond to these emotions that is important.

SO, for this full Corn moon in Pisces I recommend a bath ritual. You can bathe your feet if you don’t have a tub or even jump in the shower. If taking a bath or foot bath I recommend a relaxing mix of herbs, salt and oils so as to loosen the tension, drain the body of negative energy and infuse your cells with calm. Lavender, rose petals, himilayan salt, and ylang-ylang, are good choices for a simple bath tea that will help you rejuvenate and get some perspective. Light candles if that’s possible and put on some light music or, if you’re like me, just breathe in the silence. Allow the emotions you’ve been feeling to wash over you (even if you can’t take a bath you can still do this in the shower, dab some essential oils on a wet cloth, and luxuriate in the scented steam) and release anything that has been causing you to feel unnecessarily overwhelmed. Cry if you must, scream if it will help. It is all about release. Speak each feeling, emotion, situation, and name them- out loud and let the water catch each word and wash it away from you until you feel calm and ready to face the world again.

If you set any intentions the last new moon this is a good time reevaluate. This full moon is also about change so if you feel out of alignment with your intention then maybe you need to spend the next few days reevaluating whether that intention is the best thing for you right now. Or perhaps, after some journaling and self evaluation it becomes evident that you need to go about manifesting your intention in a different way. Don’t be afraid of these changes you may have to make. Embrace them and make peace with them. You are only human and you can only do your best. Also, if you have noticed that the changes in your life have become unsettling and that you are not coping well with the unknown, please know that you are not alone. The world has become a crazy place for all of us. Change is nothing new and we need to keep that in mind. Let’s respond to the changes and not react to them. This will let you feel more control over yourself as the winds shift.  The path will eventually smooth out again. Roll with it. You’ll be fine.

If you aren’t interested in intentions or healing baths, just go out and take some time with the moon. If nothing else– she sure is pretty.

If you would like lunar readings and help with intention setting let me know! I am offering a lunar reading special. Paid quarterly, you will receive a four card reading on the new moon or the full moon depending on your choice and then a card pull to see how things are going on the opposite phase. Email me or comment for details! [email protected]