Full Moon Ritual- Cord Removal!

It’s Full Moon Ritual time everyone! I am so excited this Full Moon in Aquarius because I am manifesting like crazy. I live by the lunar cycle. During the Dark Moon, I hold space with myself and my needs so when the New Moon comes I am ready to set intentions. At the Full Moon I release what I need to let go of and adapt. As the moon waxes and wanes, I make sure to take actions or spend time actively planning.

I try to do this with patience and love so that I don’t cloud my work with negativity. When I feel like I’m struggling, I make sure to reassess and work at being proactive when the stress starts to wear me down! This is intentional living by the lunar phases. Everyone can do it and I highly recommend it. It is a natural way to plan your life and I have loved the journey. If you have any questions about living intentionally by the phases of the moon, contact me here and let’s talk!

I’m very excited to share intentional lunar living with you. I have been running lunar rituals for both the Full and New Moon for a while now. These rituals are limited to seven participants and we work on something wonderful at each one. A recent Full Moon ritual I hosted was about Cord Removal or Cord Cutting and it was so well received I wanted to share this with everyone.

What is a Cord?

You may be thinking- what is a cord? A cord is an energetic connection between you and someone else. It can also be an outdated way of thinking about yourself or your life. It is, in its most simplified form, an energetic connection to something that isn’t healthy for you. Removing or cutting that cord can significantly improve your overall well being.

Why should we remove cords?

Removing the energetic bonds between you and someone is imperative for moving forward in your life. This does not necessarily mean you are removing the person. Instead, you are acknowledging that the bond does more harm than good to your emotional, spiritual, and physical well being and choosing to disconnect from it.

This is a practice you can do daily. We automatically create cords whenever we encounter another person. Most of the time the energy is either positive or neutral and doesn’t interfere with our lives. Sometimes, however, even minor interactions with someone who has significant negative energy can affect us. Even if we never see that person again the negative energetic connection can really impact your overall spiritual health which can filter into all other aspects of our being.

Empaths are ESPECIALLY prone to this because negative energies are often attracted to them in order to feed off of their energy.  Narcissists are prone to connecting with empaths as well so you can understand the need for removal from cords with them. Always be aware of how someone causes your body, mind and spirit to respond. If they give you the willies, even if there is no obvious reason, make sure you remove the cord when you have parted ways. Energy is powerful.

How do you remove an attachment to a thought, feeling, or cycle?

Just because there isn’t an actual person at the other end of a cord doesn’t mean the cord doesn’t exist. If you are in a cycle of self- doubt or self- loathing, close your eyes and imagine what that self- doubt or self loathing looks like. Give it features, even a name. Name this “gremlin” that has attached itself to your self esteem and way of thinking about yourself. Once you have done that, imagine a cord of energy between you and it. That cord pulses with a repugnant energy that feeds into your fears.

Whether you have these fears and doubts because of years of someone else reinforcing those thoughts, or you are beating yourself up for past mistakes, these thoughts become realities. You may not be able to touch a being, but you have created an entity of pure energy. Removing the cord between you and your personal “gremlin” will help you as you move along your path to freedom. 

What does Cord Removal/Cutting require?

Cord removal requires intention and action, over and over again, for as long and as many times as necessary. Sometimes, this process is easy and will be done once and then never again. For others, it will be a daily process until you find relief. It doesn’t matter where you fit in there. You may be both. You may remove a cord tonight that frees you from one negative energy and then recreate the ritual in days to come to tackle more thick and deeply connected cords. This is your process. And remember, I am here to help you. I love working with cord removal as part of coaching AND reading practices. Let me know if you’d like to book an appointment

In addition to intention and action, you will need to be determined. This determination needs to be balanced with the following: forgiveness, gratitude, self love, being fully grounded in the present, courage, embracing personal power, accountability and accepting responsibility for your own happiness, perseverance, confidence, positive thinking, willpower, the desire to take back control, compassion, and honesty. If you want freedom, this is a wonderful ritual to perform.

Cord Removal Lunar Ritual

If you would like to perform your own Cord Cutting Lunar Ritual, click here. For $25 you will receive a beeswax candle, a piece of Blue Kyanite, a Selenite wand, a piece of Blue Aventurine, seven crystal chips intentionally chosen for cord removal, and a small sphere cage to hold the crystal chips. In an email you will receive a PDF version of the ritual, ritual activity, as well as a detailed explanation of the crystals included in the kit.

This ritual can be done at any time but utilizing the power of the Lunar cycle adds spectacular energy to cord removal intentions and release. Shipment will occur within ten days of payment. Please feel free to reach out with any questions! A great lunar ritual and informational resource is Yasmin Boland’s Moonology and Moonology Diary. Happy Full Moon!