Hi everyone! Today’s card pull is drawn from the Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell. This deck is all about connecting with your soul’s purpose and to reconnect you to yourself. Today’s card is Leap- “You go first. The Universe will catch you.”
I know that I struggle with self-confidence and self- doubt. I’m at a point in my life where life is changing and I have to change with it and make decisions. It is terrifying because these decisions can change everything. Perhaps you are wondering, like me, if this is the right time to take the leap of faith into the unknown. Is it the right time to start that new job or business? Should you start that new relationship? Have a child? Should you go back to school? Buy a ticket to a place you’ve never been and start over? Maybe these are all big questions demanding tremendous faith in action but even seemingly mundane decisions can be scary when it means change in your routine, daily life, or way of thinking.
In the book that accompanies the deck, Rebecca Campbell tell us that “[l]ife bends for the courageous.” That statement is resonant. We all have fears and lack faith in our abilities and outcomes but that is normal. What matters is that we face our fear of the unknown with a certain courage of heart and soul. It is terrifying to make changes…. especially when those changes can radically change your life. However, with faith, courage, (and a little research never hurts!) this is the time to embrace these changes and take that flying leap into the unknown. If this card resonates with you maybe you should take action and stop waiting for “the right time,” “the money,” or “a sign.” THIS is your sign.
Life is short and often changes happen TO us. Life, circumstances, and other people too make our choices for us, before we even realize it, leaving us few to no options. In this uncertain time in history where there is so much fear, why not take some control and take that leap. Have faith. Perhaps it is at this precise moment in history that you are meant to live the life you were born to live. Don’t let fear win. Take that leap.