Good morning! Welcome to the daily card pull. Today’s card was pulled from The Power of Surrender Cards by Judith Orloff, M.D. I picked up this deck a couple of years ago and I tell you, it never disappoints. The word surrender has different meanings to different people. To some, surrendering is a show or form of weakness. However, for me and in my readings or coaching, it is a definite show of strength and will. Often, we must surrender something that is bad for us- anxiety, pain, stress, fear and release it to God (or the Universe, et al.) Then the burden that once weighed us down so mightily can be lifted so that we can once again reclaim our strength and so there is clearly strength in surrender. The other way to look at surrendering is to surrender TO something. In this way, we choose to embrace that which is good and healthy for us instead of fighting it or turning our backs on it. To surrender to the best things, the gifts that we are offered and given, is yet another form of exerting strength and control over our lives- even when things feel out of control.
This morning, I said a prayer and asked for guidance toward the best deck for me to choose my daily pull and The Power of Surrender was the deck I was drawn to. As I held the box and took out the cards, shuffled them, and spread them before me, I requested that the card for today be of help for me and for all of you. This daily exercise is about our connection as human beings and to bring the highest good, the best advice, and the most support to help us as individuals and as a collective, to get through each day in the most positive way possible. The card I chose is Surrender Unhealthy Relationships and the caption reads, “Let go of relationships that don’t serve you, including unavailable or toxic people. You deserve to be treasured by others and to be surrounded by positive people” (Orloff, 2016).
This card is deeply resonant to me. I have a tendency to attract emotionally and physically unavailable, and sometimes downright toxic, people who rarely show me the love and attention that I need in a relationship, and to hold on to those relationships because I feel obligated or mistakenly feel that they NEED me in some way. I tend to maintain these unhealthy relationships for the sake of other people- sacrificing my own happiness, self worth, and joy, for theirs. As a result, I feel drained, lonely, and ultimately resentful. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to let go of unhealthy relationships. If this card hits a nerve for you, if you have been contemplating JUST THIS SORT OF THING, this is your sign that it is time to act on it.
I know it is easier said than done. I am right there with you. This card goes a long way to validate my instinctive knowledge that it is time to let some people go and that I am not wrong to feel that way. And if I choose not to, then really, I have no one to blame for my unhappiness but myself. The fact is, when we continue to hold on to negative people and maintain unhealthy relationships, we really DO have no one to blame but ourselves and until we make the decision to walk away and cut the cord we will continue to suffer. It is hard to believe that we are worthy of happy, healthy, loving relationships when we become so enmeshed with people who reinforce our feelings that we are not worthy to be treasured, that we are not deserving of human touch, love, and acknowledgement.
It is time to SURRENDER THAT NOISE. You ARE worthy.
Now, if you are in an abusive relationship, I recommend seeking professional help. Shelters, the police, and social services can help you if you feel isolated and do not have, or cannot bring yourself to reach out to, friends or family. You can email me privately and I can help you find a way out- [email protected]
Check out my service menu and let me know if you would like a four card reading with this deck for $20!