Card pull- Inverted Hanged Man

Inverted Hanged Man- Prisma Visions Tarot

I decided to post a quick card pull from James R. Ead’s Prisma Visions Tarot which you can find HERE if you’d like to purchase your own deck. There comes a time in everyone’s life when we must choose to move on. Sometimes, life throws us curve balls. Often, we make choices that hold us back. And then comes the moment that demands we take action, have faith, and rise from the prison we have made for ourselves.

Change is sometimes necessary

When you look around you, what do you see? What do you feel? I’m not asking if you’re happy, of what kinds of things you have or do not have. From the relationships you have to the place you live to your job, what is it that is throwing you off balance? Have you ever even experienced the calm that comes with true balance? If there is pain in this environment, it is important to determine where it’s coming from and if the person, situation, or object is worth holding onto anymore. If there is a sick, thick, heaviness in the center of your chest- something is just not right.

Another way to look at it is this. When was the last time you felt wanted, loved and cherished by the people in your life? In you job, have you ever really felt like you made a difference or an impact? The shifting sands of your existence is finally taking its toll and you’re just tired of living this way. Maybe you need to make a change even if it is the hardest, scariest thing you can imagine. This is the time to start the process of sifting through the good and the bad and determining your next step.

Suspended Animation

It is hard to find strength to break out of cycles that have long since diminished your ability to love yourself, others and feel worthy of love in return. The constant pattern of pain, anger, release, surface stability, and misunderstanding, creates a sense of suspended animation in our lives. We are living the same themes, the same conversations, the same emotions, the same lack of intimacy and loving human touch. Reliving this over and over again with no real change for the better will only make it worse in the long run. This is not living, yet somehow, to end the cycle, can feel like dying. As awful and unfulfilling as the cycle is, it is what we know. So there we find ourselves suspended, held in place, unable to move forward.

This is a painful place to be. The Inverted Hanged Man says, it is time to cut the bonds of your cycle. That it’s ok to break down the prison of your own making. He says, you are worthy, you used to trust yourself and now it’s time to trust again. He reassures you that you have the skills and intelligence to make a decisive move. The inflexibility no longer serves, if it ever really did, and it’s time to move on.

Rise into the great mystery

In James R. Eads rendering of the Inverted Hanged Man, we see that he is rising head first out of a sea full of angry piranhas that have been eating away at your self esteem and joy. He is face first toward the night sky. As you rise you can’t help but wonder if what you know is safer than the mystery of the night sky. Even though it is killing you slowly. What will become of you? How will you ever find your way? These are important questions. The fact is we never really “know.” Safety is an illusion. You can only choose wisely and take steps forward toward something better. Eventually, the night will turn to day and you will gain a little clarity. The great mystery will soon reveal itself and hopefully it will be what you have needed all along.

No guarantees

If only there were guarantees of a perfect outcome. That can never happen however once you are motivated to move, to take action and break unhealthy, painful cycles, you will learn that momentum is everything. You can keep moving, make changes, make improvements and never go back to that place again.

The Inverted Hanged Man is a card of hope, action, first steps, and breaking cycles. Take your first step to break the chains and rise again.

If you are ready to break the chains of your prison- contact me. I do readings, which are listed HERE and can be enormously helpful as a starting point. I am also a life coach and am offering specials on reinventing yourself in the wake of transition. If you are interested in more information check out my coaching page HERE. Contact me on Facebook of HERE if you’re interested in a free coaching consultation. Find your purpose and Rise.

ALL readings and coaching sessions are done via Zoom. If local, we can certainly meet in person.