Abundance Grid and Ritual Overview- New Moon Intention

Hey everyone! I took yesterday off because I was exhausted. When I get nervous or anxious I struggle with insomnia and Monday into Sunday was a tough night. Still, I made it through the day and went to bed early. Feeling TONS better today!

I wanted to chat about my Abundance grid for the New Moon which is linked to my intention for the upcoming lunar cycle and probably the one after that. I like working with the moon and the lunar cycle because it helps keep me accountable- something I struggle with especially concerning my intentions, plans, and actions. I chose Abundance for this new cycle because I would like to invite Abundance into my life but first I would like to define abundance. Abundance means an ample quantity of something or extremely plentiful. For me, I would like to invite an Abundance of success for my business. I am hoping for clients to work with and a steady flow of income. I have bills to pay but also I want to participate in the financial health of my family so that I can send my youngest son to the school he wants (a school that has EVERYTHING to do with crystals, rocks, and gems!) While abundance may mean more than you need to some- I am looking for just what I need to live the life I want to live.

I am creating a grid with this desire in mind. The grid is a physical representation of my desire for Abundance and I am including citrine, aventurine, pyrite, and Tigers Eye. I am also adorning the outer edge of the grid with herbs associated with abundance like ginger, cinnamon, cedar, and lemon balm mixed. Finally, I have an oil roller I made with ginger, cedar, and lemon essential oils with citrine to annoint my body. I will also make and drink a ginger lemon tea each day, starting on the New Moon, until I am ready to release the intention.

Whenever I set an intention I do so with the understanding that I have to work hard and participate in its manifestation. While it is important and incredibly helpful to think about, pray/meditate about, write about, and ritualize intentions, it doesn’t end there. The ritual I use involves all of my senses as a reminder to keep taking steps and actions to fulfill my intention. Anyone can do this without a grid or oil or crystals. For me, the ritual makes the process sacred- a promise to myself as well as well deserved and much needed time for me to plan and manage my intentional progress. The ritual also challenges me to be consistent and not give up- basically, the ritual helps me stay focused on my intention so that I don’t lose my footing but also to see what changes need to be made as I follow my intentional path. It is important to remember that without intention without action, regardless of how many candles you light or crystals your grid, means nothing. The magic is in creating a goal that can be attained and the beauty is all of the ritual that helps you reach that goal. The moon helps to light our path and each phase asks us to examine and reexamine our commitment to our intention.

Over the next few days I will go into more detail about the crystals, herbs, and oils I will use for my grid and ritual and explain how I will complete and activate my grid. I will also pull a couple of cards for you! In the meantime, think about the intention you want to set for the upcoming lunar cycle. Feel free to comment or post on my Facebook page what your intention this cycle will be or if you have questions or problems with intention setting! If you need a New Moon reading- please let me know and we can work out the details before the 17th! Talk to you later!