Card Reveal! Magical Times Oracle

Hey everyone! I’m very excited to reveal the cards from last night! I will post each card with it’s corresponding message. If you want to participate, go to yesterday’s post and choose one of the three cards- carnelian, tiger’s eye, or amazonite. Then, after you’ve read the post, come back here and see what message the card you have chosen has for you!

Card 1- Carnelian- DANCE

Ahh, I chose this one. The message on the card itself says, “Find your heart’s rhythm. Step lightly and swing with the melody. Close your eyes and let joy lead the way” (Bergsma, 2013). For me, this makes a lot of sense. I never dance. Letting joy lead the way has become impossible- or at least that’s how it feels… so much so that I’m not sure what joy even IS anymore! I tend to hang out in the corner of the room and watch everyone else. I think I’ve lost my sparkle. When I was younger I was more open, almost wild, letting joy lead the way, eyes wide shut because what is life but an adventure? Alas, time has taken it’s toll and I have not been that person in a long time. Have I lost my joy? A little bit. This card is telling us that it’s time to embrace joy. Joy transcends happiness- joy is a spiritual state of being, an emotion that runs deep. This card is asking us to dig deep and find that quiet, joyful place inside that compels us to take chances and dance with out eyes closed as we sway to the beat of our own drummer. How long have you conformed yourself to your circumstances and the expectations of those around you? Whether you dance with friends or family, or if you dance alone, allow yourself to soar and remember that no matter the struggles of life- there is always a reason to dance. “I will invite moonbeams and dragonflies to come out and play” (Bergsma, 2013).

Card 2- Tiger’s Eye- JOURNEY

The text on the card says, “Focus on how far you have come, not how far you have to go. You will find help in unexpected places” (Bergsma, 2013). Oh my darling friend, this is a beautiful reminder not to give up. Life is not about the destination so much as the journey and we all travel long, sometimes lonely, often difficult roads. What makes it all worthwhile is those stops along the way that show us how far we’ve come, what successes we have had, and reminders that we are never really alone. Sometimes, we walk alone, sure, but so much more often than we realize we have someone, or someones, who walk along with us, helping us navigate the more difficult paths or… helping us overcome the demons after overcoming the difficult parts. You are here, on this planet, at this time, for a reason. This card is reminding you that your destiny awaits and that you will one day live your dream. In the meantime, take in your journey, breathe it deeply, and be grateful for all the amazing lessons you have learned, loved ones you have picked up along the way, and look forward to the promises that await just around the bend.

Card 3- Amazonite- INTEGRITY

Integrity has two meanings. One is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. The other is the state of being whole and undivided. This card is telling you that you will never be in the state of integrity without living out the qualities of integrity. So, it is time to be honest with yourself and seek out the absolute truth of what is necessary for you to live your life the way you were truly meant to, exactly as you are. The message on the card itself says, “Drop the things that offend your soul. Embrace your truth. It’s your life, let no one live it for you” (Bergsma, 2013). Integrity is telling you to have the courage to embrace the best parts of yourself, discard what is offensive about yourself, and to live your life with sincerity and honor; to be honest with yourself and live a life of truth so that you can find freedom (Bergsma, 2013). It is time for you to be whole again. This may mean facing up to some things that you have been lying to yourself about. Living in truth is not easy, but once the truth becomes you, you will reap the benefits of being whole again. Once you are whole again you will never want to return to a fractured state of darkness.

Think about the story of these three cards… dance- find joy inside yourself so that you can once again take the steps needed to move forward; journey- to move forward on the path of your life, grateful for lessons learned, loved ones, and soon to be fulfilled promises; integrity- to finally be whole after so long… Dance, be joyful, and grateful on your journey so that you can embrace the truth and find wholeness by living in integrity and finally in alignment with your soul’s.

Whether you chose one, two, or all three of these cards, I hope that you found some nugget of truth, something that resonates. All three cards tell a story that validates what I already know about my path and what I need to do in order to make positive progress.

I will be back tomorrow to chat about the upcoming lunar cycle! New Moon is coming up quick!!

If you would like a personalized reading let me know!