Card pulls and Crystals!Carnelian, Amazonite, Tiger’s Eye

CARD 1- Carnelian; CARD 2- Tiger’s Eye; CARD 3- Amazonite

Happy Monday everyone! Today is an exciting week- we have students returning to the actual building- not all of them but some- and it will be nice to finally see their faces in person after all this time. It is a little unnerving what with the virus still out there but I have come to the conclusion that we have to live our lives with courage tempered with reason, otherwise we aren’t really living at all. And we are here to live. We are doing what we can to keep each other as safe as possible and that is the best we can do. So if you are feeling nervous or scared- please know that you aren’t alone. We ALL feel something on that scale and your feelings are valid. That being said- I am happy to see the few kids that will be in this week.

More than ANYTHING I am excited about the New Moon. As you know I have made this New Moon all about my abundance intention and the crystal grid I will be activating with that intention. Yesterday I talked all about herbs. Today, I go back to crystals. I am adding five carnelian pieces to my grid, an amazonite palm stone, and my Tiger’s Eye tower. Like last week, I have placed a card under each crystal. This week I have pulled the cards from the Magical Times Empowerment Deck by Jody Bergsma. Look at each crystal and card and see which resonates most. You can feel free to post in the comments here, or on my Facebook page under this post, which you were drawn to, OR you can keep it to yourself and quietly absorb the information. Alright! Let’s get started!!

CARD 1- Carnelian

Carnelian- The piece of carnelian I have placed on Card 1 is rough and untumble. I tend to gravitate toward rough pieces. I think it’s because I see beauty in everything even, and especially, when it isn’t shiny and sparkly. What gets me going about carnelian is that it invokes the sun and clearing out darkness and ALSO the cleansing breezes of autumn. This is a stone that is ALL about leadership, motivation, courage, and speaking out. It is not about being timid but it DOES encourage you to be creative and passionate about your intention. If you gravitated toward this stone you may feel the need for a boost in your courage to say what you need to say and say it loud. Of course- I am using this crystal in my abundance grid because it also attracts abundance and is associated with determination. I am using it because it also promotes idealism. I can be a bit cynical. This is also called the Singer’s Stone. I have been singing a lot lately as a stress relief so for me, very apropos!

CARD 2- Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye- I am using the Tiger’s Eye point as my activation crystal. A lot of people use quartz but for this grid and my personality type and intention I was drawn to the Tiger’s Eye. Not only is this piece stunning but Tiger’s Eye is about INTEGRITY. Integrity, especially when talking about abundance and wanting to attract it to you life, is an invaluable and necessary characteristic. I never want to do anything to attract abundance that is not rooted in integrity. It is also about balance between extremes- I would like to attract abundance but I am not looking for more than I need. I am finding balance between my wants and my needs. This is also about having the will to keep going and to continue to maintain the clarity of my intention if I stumble along the way. It is also about taking risks that make sense, having courage, confidence and the belief that I am able to pave my path. It attracts wealth and also helps break through financial blocks. It also helps with overcoming obstacles. It is grounding and protecting and helps with mental clarity, and dispelling fear, all of which are necessary as I navigate this intention!

CARD 3- Amazonite

Amazonite- Stone of Courage and Stone of Truth. Really, isn’t following through with intention rooted in courage and truth? You need both and so this is a perfect accent to my grid. I am including this crystal on the periphery of the grid. It is a crystal that is grounded in freedom of thought and integrity as well as promoting a “can-do” attitude. Basically, it reinforces the belief that I can DO this if I set my mind to it. It is also a calming stone and helps release anxiety, which I get whenever I think about money or finances; and stress, which I also struggle with whether I am working with money or not! I will also be sprinkling amazonite chips throughout the grid in order to bring a constant source of tranquility to the grid. It will also look beautiful and add a peaceful quality to the grid that I certainly need. I always want to make sure that I am true to my intention and that I remain honest with myself about my motivations. I am hoping that this beautiful crystal will infuse some wisdom into my abundance intention.

I hope you enjoyed the rundown of the last crystals I am adding to my grid! If any of the crystals resonate, consider picking up a pocket version of the stone to carry as a reminder of those characteristic properties you need in your life. Remember to choose a card! The reveal is tonight! Have a terrific Monday!!