Cinnamon, Ginger, Cedar, Lemon Balm, and Salt… a perfect herbal prescription for abundance!

Herbs for grid with Abundance mojo bag

Hey everyone! The New Moon is coming QUICK and I couldn’t be more excited to get this grid together and activated. I will be doing all of that Wednesday evening. On Thursday morning, while the moon is still dark and just before it becomes new again, I will activate it. Until that magical time I will fill you in on the herbs that I am incorporating into the grid along with the crystals.

This is what I love about crystal grids… they are always beautiful and you can really let your creativity run rampant. The magic is in you. While the herbs and crystals have certain metaphysical properties that are associated with certain intentions, the magic is in your energy, your action, and your intention. I’ll repeat that- Your Energy. Your Intention. Your Action. All of this is represented in your grid. The ritual is centering and helps focus on your goal and it helps keep you on track. And of course, it never hurts to reach out for Divine guidance and inspiration.

My grid will have cinnamon, ginger, lemon balm and salt. Yes, salt. I thought about posting about it as a crystal but decided that most people associate salt with seasoning so it would be an easy grouping for those of you who have never done this before. I chose each of these herbs for their association with abundance which, of course, is the intention for my grid.


Cinnamon is amazing. I drink it in my coffee every day. It’s good for your body- it is an anti-inflammatory, a natural anti-oxidant and can lower blood sugar. It tastes amazing… so, adding cinnamon into my daily ritual will be nothing new because it is already a part of it. I am adding it to my grid because it is also a powerful abundance attracter! Cinnamon is known to attract success and prosperity to your life so it is a perfect addition to a grid or a mojo bag which I make for abundance lunar rituals (let me know if you want a kit!) Combined with ginger and salt I am creating a very powerful blend to attract abundance and success.


Like cinnamon, ginger is AWESOME. I cook with ginger all the time and make a ginger tea for times when I want to boost my immunity or alleviate nausea, and like cinnamon it is also an anti-inflammatory. Literally, these two magical spices are really good for your body. It’s amazing how God provides these amazing gifts of nature to nurture our bodies and souls! Ginger attracts abundance as well as luck which is always a nice addition to the equation. But most of all, I love that ginger increases your energy and raises you personal power. It is a real action herb and I use it often for just about everything. It is a really wonderful component to the grid.


It is said that if you build a fence made of cedar around your home it will not only protect it from negative energy but will also attract abundance. Cedar is also a purifying and transforming agent that is absolutely necessary, at least in my opinion, when working with abundance. I want to have a pure mind and heart as I go about attracting and embracing abundance. I want any abundance that comes my way to transform my life in a way that will do the most good for myself so that I may be able to help transform someone else’s life. Cedar is a beautiful and potent component of my abundance grid!


Not traditionally associated with abundance, lemon balm is one of my favorite herbs. It is a calming herb and it’s scent is enough to lift even the heaviest spirits. Lemon balm is my reminder to be calm and patient and to enjoy the process. It also acts to encourage me to embrace challenges and help me adapt to my circumstances so that I can grow and learn. It is an herb that is all about the feels. Lemon balm reminds that we can find healing and success through love. A great reminder to maintain balance as I work toward my abundance goal.


Ah, salt. Who doesn’t love salt? I know that consuming too much salt can be bad for you but at just the right amount it lifts up any meal to a whole new level. Salt is an AMAZING MAGICAL spice. Salt, when used in a bath, pulls out all the impurities in your body. It is a protection element. It is a purification element. It is a healing element. What I love, love, love about adding salt to my grid is that it will enhance the properties of the other herbs and the crystals as well as protect the grid from negative energy. In this grid I am using Himalayan sea salt so it is also very pretty adding to the grid’s aesthetics.

What grids have you done in the past? Are you going to make one for the lunar cycle? I will also be keeping this grid from this Mabon (which is a couple of days after the new moon this year) through next Mabon. I will, of course, refresh it and clear and cleanse it as necessary but I like the idea of focusing on this one long term intention.

Tomorrow I will be doing a triple card pull and reveal with the final crystals for the grid- Tigers Eye, carnelian, and amazonite. Very excited! See you tomorrow!!