
Hey everyone! I hope you had a great day. It’s a little rainy here but it’s all good- we need the rain and I LOVE The rain. I even got to walk home in it and it just reminded me of goodness and possibility. I hope you had a moment like that today! ANYWAY… I wanted to post the reveal before I started to cook dinner and am too tired to post! I hope you enjoyed the information I posted earlier about the crystals in my grid. Now get ready for your card reveal.


PYRITE- Card 1

The Devil is a dark card, I’m not gonna lie. Addiction and negativity are the ruling characteristics for The Devil. It could be one or the other and it could be both. Materialism is also associated with this card. So, because I am doing an Abundance grid, this card could be a warning to me to check my motives and make sure I maintain a level head and stay grounded so as not to become addicted to chasing material abundance. Abundance and success transcends what is materialistic. Materialism can deform your path, and warp your heart, so it is important to make sure your motives are pure. For my sake- warning noted. However, there is a lot of anger involved here and a sense that you may be dependent on your anger and rage even if you don’t want to be. You have become accustomed to it and it is darkening every aspect of your life. Even though most of us prefer not to be angry we can become addicted to it. As much as you hate the rage you may be becoming the rage. This card is telling you that it’s time to free yourself from the dark, heavy, anger, and to let go of whatever it is that is holding you back from the light and joy that you could be experiencing instead. In the case of addiction, this card is telling you that it is time to seek help because, while you CAN do it on your own, you don’t have to.


Card 2- Citrine

Two of Cups is a happy card. It’s all about connection, potential, harmony, love, and romance. For those of you who are attached to someone it could mean that you are heading toward a time of significant recommitment and reconnection to each other. Consider it a rebirth of sorts. For those who are unattached, it is likely you will meet someone, or have recently met someone, with whom you may have already begun to form a profound connection. While this card usually means romance it could also point to the establishment of a deep, honest, and pure new friendship or business association. The rich and positive energetic connection flows from one to the other and you will find that you are of similar mind making the possibilities of what can be accomplished together seem unlimited. Maybe I should keep an open mind about collaboration in my quest for abundance? Hmmm, maybe- I’m such a lone wolf. Either way, whether attached or single, and whether the relationship is romantic, platonic, or business, this card is all about healthy, joyful, positive connections that will benefit you both and likely last a lifetime.


Card 3- Aventurine

For an abundance grid reading I like to see the six of wands! It is all about victory and success. For myself, I see this as a positive triad reading for my abundance journey. First, I check my motives to ensure I don’t get ensnared by negativity or materialism in my quest. Second, I should be open to collaborating with someone who can help me as much as I can help them as we navigate a similar path that, if we work together can lead us both to our desired outcome. Finally, success! After having been ensnared in the dark brambles there is finally freedom as you rise above the obstacles that have stood in your way. It’s time to take flight and keep the momentum going. This is a congratulatory cheer for achieving your goals and believing in your abilities. It is a celebration of your focus and dedication and acknowledgement of your hard work and achievement. As the butterfly flies, so must you continue to fly. The journey isn’t over but you can be sure of your path and your ability to overcome obstacles that you will still have to navigate. Know this- You are loved and supported and this knowledge is a much needed boost to your confidence. You go on with your bad self! Hahaha

Thank you SO much for participating in this three card/three crystal mini event! If you want your OWN abundance reading or ANY kind of reading- check out the menu link above and check out my services, prices, and PayPal link! You can use your PayPal account or a credit card for payment! I tried to make it super easy!!

Tomorrow I will have more crystal grid goodies- I am using carnelian chips to enhance my grid and a Tiger Eye tower for my activation crystal. I will chat about them tomorrow and do a two card pull from one of my oracles! Thanks again for stopping by!!