Waning moon- noting what has come to pass and difficulty releasing…bearing witness

Thanks for joining me this evening. Or morning. Or whenever you get the chance. Tonight, I’m talking about the waning gibbous moon in Aries. Aries is all about taking initiative and action. It’s about the need to act and emotional independence. Following the highly emotional Pisces full moon I find myself feeling the need to shed these emotional bonds that leave me feeling dependent, undervalued, unloved, and ignored. The wave of emotion that came with the full moon may now be intermingled with a fiery and powerful need to initiate independence away from these bonds. The truth is that these kinds of bonds and connections to people and situations can often bring feelings of great joy. Unfortunately, those feelings are more consistent with the euphoric high that results from taking a potent drug than the positive and healing balm of true joy. When these bonds let us down, like the let down after the high, the pain can be unbearable. As you begin to recognize these connections as lies masked as truth, something deep inside will cry out for freedom. That freedom comes from unmasking the lies, facing the truth, and breaking the bonds. This waning Aries moon is calling us to take the necessary action to banish the negativity from our lives and allow her light to illuminate the truth so that we can be free.

This, of course, is easier said than done. Every full moon I release that which no longer serves my life, my heart, my purpose. I look to declutter my being- to metaphorically set fire to all that interferes with my sense of self, including self love, and self confidence. This includes clearing away the influences of other people that somehow make me lose my place and leave me feeling less than. Some people, situations, bonds, and feelings, are hard to release and I have begun to believe that in certain situations, it necessitates the consistent practice of releasing in order to obtain some semblance of freedom until finally, one day, you realize you have ended the cycle of pain. Until that moment, it can be easy to backslide and hold on to the bonds that create false sense of security that only makes us feel unfulfilled and neglected. What is it that you need to release? Is it a person? Is it a feeling? Identify it (or them).


It is time to spiritually and emotionally clean house or at least begin the process. The full moon this cycle was all about using water to wash away negativity… tonight and tomorrow- it is time to work with fire. This ritual can be done anytime and is often performed during the full moon but tonight’s Aries waning moon can enhance your ritual with its potent energy. To start, I like to light a candle at my sacred space and sit quietly in prayer as I wander through my emotional landscape. You can meditate if you choose. It’s all about centering yourself and being present in the moment so you can identify what pains you. Once you have identified these bonds of your pain- write them down on a piece of paper. Name your pain and the people who bring you low, the situations you want to leave behind, words that cause you suffering, and anything else you’ve been carrying that weighs heavily on your soul. Be specific. This is part of the process- the specificity requires knowing and knowing allows you to move forward.

After you have written down everything you need to unburden yourself it is time to set it aflame. You can do this with your candle but please make sure you perform this part of your ritual safely. I usually take my candle outside or, if time and weather permits, I’ll make a small fire in the fire pit. A lighter and a metal bucket will work just as well. Then, with love and grace, with gratitude and thanksgiving, set your paper on fire and watch the representation of your pain burn to ash. Say a prayer and ask for guidance as you decide your next step. Water, fire, and prayer are all cleansing and can help you ritualize your intention to release. Once your fire ritual is complete the work begins.

You may need to repeat this ritual over and over. Our human frailty is unavoidable so don’t beat yourself up. Eliminating one negative thing at a time and replacing it with something positive takes work and focus so don’t be hard on yourself. Just don’t give up and never lose faith. Each day is another opportunity to step away from the negativity, release yourself from the chains of your bondage, and walk toward hope and fulfillment. You aren’t alone in your journey- even though it often feels that way. Together, we can find a better way. The waning moon lights our path for a while….