Three Card Pull! 10/27/21

Choose your Card

Hey everyone- time for you three card pull! I have chosen the Work Your Light Oracle Deck by Rebecca Campbell for this pull and the rules remain the same. Take a look at the photo below. There are three cards, each marked for your convenience. Take a deep breath and choose one. It’s ok if you are compelled to choose more than one- even all three! Sometimes you need to hear something important from more than one card! If you don’t feel any of these resonate then that’s OK- it just means that there is no message for you today and that is all right! If you DO feel you need guidance, contact me HERE for coaching information or a reading!

Here it goes- 1, 2, 3!

No peaking!

Click on the YouTube video below for information on the pull. After that, scroll to see a photo of the card pull itself! These cards are stunning and I highly recommend them for anyone who is struggling with letting their light shine in this crazy world! Pick up your own deck HERE! I am an Amazon affiliate so if you purchase from this link I may receive compensation!

Watch the video!

Photo Reveal! Watch the video first!

Card 1- Deep Replenishment

Card 2- Akasha

Card 3- Share Your Voice

Thanks for stopping by! See you soon!