Ritual Intentions- Forgiveness, Freedom & The Fool

Ritual Intentions- Forgiveness
The Fool- Shadowscapes Tarot

What is Forgiveness? Why is it important? What does Forgiveness, Freedom and The Fool have in common? How can ritual help you forgive? Forgiveness, in short, is freedom. It is the choice we make, with intention and action, to release ourselves from the shackles of pain, resentment, and anger so that we can move on. Sometimes, we hold on to blame as a way to protect ourselves from being hurt again. Resentment can feel like fortification against future attacks and injustice. We can feel this anger, resentment and blame toward others and toward ourselves.

No matter what, the fire that burns bright, hot and fierce, eventually dies down leaving us cold and unable to move forward. When we take actual steps toward forgiveness we begin to relearn what it means to love, to have hope, to let go, and to find the freedom to feel good again. I associate Freedom, this potential for new beginnings, with The Fool. The Fool is brave and ready to take the chance that things can be better, that we can be better. The Fool finds the hope that has been buried underneath the cold coals of resentment, and with Forgiveness as her wings, takes a leap of faith into freedom.

Are you ready to take that leap of faith into the Freedom that begins with Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is an Action Word

As a human being, I know first hand what it’s like to hurt other people whether I meant to or not. I also know what it feels like when other people hurt me whether they intend to or not. What’s just as bad is the pain born of self betrayal. This gives birth to self loathing that perpetuates heartbreaking and incapacitating unforgiveness that eventually permeates the soul. A soul constrained by not forgiving leads to a cruel and lonely prison of an existence.

Just as actions cause these feelings that prevent us from forgiving, we must take action to begin the process of releasing the pain that holds us back from forgiving. First, we must recognize that we need to forgive. Second, we must set the intention toward forgiving. Finally, we take the action that requires us to actively engage with whatever it is that is keeping us from forgiving. This is a battle of will and determination and the prize is freedom.

Forgiveness is Hard

Forgiveness IS hard. Think about a person or situation that has caused you to be unforgiving. I can feel your ire, your pain. It’s almost as if you’re experiencing whatever happened all over again. When this happens, we feel it fresh and it fuels the fire of our unforgiveness. We feel justified to withhold forgiveness. Sometimes, these feelings of resentment are encouraged by well meaning friends and family. If you take a minute and think rationally, ask yourself- why am I holding on to this feeling that makes me feel angry and hurt over and over again? Who am I hurting the most by letting go and withholding forgiveness? In most cases, when unforgiveness is focused on someone else, you are only hurting yourself. They no longer even think about what they’ve done. If they ever did, they no longer care.

When you are directing your unforgiving ways toward yourself the result is the same. You are setting fire to your own potential and diminishing your capacity for joy. You are literally imprisoned by unforgiveness. This is why Freedom and Forgiveness go together. When you Forgive you free yourself to love, feel joy, and let go. Nothing will feel better than that.

Forgiveness and…. The Fool?

Remember when you were young and ready to take on the world? When hope was all you had and the future was bright? Can you recall the freedom you felt before your self betrayal and the betrayal of others colored your world gray? The Fool in Tarot is you. She is me. He is us. We used to be that free before we learned how to wage the war of unforgiveness against ourselves and others. Fool was naive, yes, but happy. We may never be naive again, and honestly, a rational person wouldn’t want to be, but we can be happy. That is what Forgiveness is. Forgiveness is the way we finally grow up and take on the world, well and truly on our terms. Are you up to the task?

Ritual Intentions

I noticed that many of us have been struggling with forgiveness and many customers noted that they REALLY need to learn forgiveness. This ignited a fire in my soul because I am a TRUE BELIEVER in Forgiveness and the Freedom that comes with it. My faith is founded on the premise of the Freedom of Forgiveness. I have experienced the miracle of being forgiven and the even bigger miracle of forgiving. I am blessed. So I wanted to share that with you. I researched herbs, crystals and oils that resonate with a Forgiveness intention and this kit is what came out of it. Like all of these products, they are intentionally chosen. An aromatherapy tool that envelopes you with scents and textures that evoke feelings of forgiveness- toward yourself and others.

Ritual can be a very powerful way to work with Forgiveness. Grids, prayers, spells… whatever you need, these tools can help you as you navigate the path toward Freedom. Anoint your candles and other tools with Forgiveness oils infused with Forgiveness crystals. Ritual baths created to elevate your Forgiveness needs can be incredibly powerful as well. Whatever you do, remember that Forgiveness is possible and the most incredible Freedom you will ever feel. Be like the Fool and take back your Freedom…. embrace Forgiveness and live again.

Click here to pick up your own kit! Need a reading to sort through your current situation? Click here for services. Finally, did you know that I am a Life Coach? Contact me here for help as you navigate your Forgiveness path.