Fated Life Vs Destiny Life- call of your soul.

A little information before the card descriptions. Today, I was led to pull three cards from the Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell. I have pulled cards from Rebecca’s decks before and I highly recommend this deck and her Work Your Light Oracle. They are both extraordinary and never fail to illuminate truth as you navigate your life path and soul’s purpose. Starseed is special in that it speaks to the feeling of belonging, longing for home, and unlocking you soul’s mission here on Earth (Campbell, 2020). This three card spread comes from the guidebook and I found it particularly compelling for today’s pull especially since it’s been a while since I have posted any pulls. This three card reading is called the Fated Life vs Destiny Life and the text explains the following, “The fated life is the life we’re born into- the one that society sets us up to follow. The destiny life is the hero’s journey- the courageous call of the soul” (Campbell, 2020). The first car is the Fated Life, the second is the Destiny Life and the third card is The Bridge. Come with me, fellow Starseeds, and find courage together to live the life we are called to.

Card One- Fated Life: The call of the ego, the obvious life (Campbell, 2020).

There is magic in the obvious life, following the paths that connect us to the people and places that nourish us, protect us, and empower us. While not all of us are blessed with a foundational group of people we can trust, and pathways can be unsettled and full of pitfalls, we learn how to cope, we build resilience, and if we adapt, we find ourselves transcendent of difficult beginnings. The core here, in the obvious life, is to trust that you are being watched over and protected. However, it is imperative to listen to the calling within your soul. The souls’ call, often quiet and subtle, can be hard to hear above the daily momentum and inner noise derived by our current life path. However, if we take time to spend in sacred spaces- safe places, alone or with people who are sensitive to our emotional and spiritual needs, we may feel a stirring to something new, something different and this can cause a sense of anticipation, but also a fear of stepping away from what is safe. The fact is, life is not safe, the world is not safe, and risk is often a necessary, invaluable and redeeming action when it comes to ultimate fulfillment of purpose. Take with you all you have learned so far, the love, nourishment, protection, and most of all, the lessons you have picked up along the way. It may be time to honor all of that experience by taking a risk that will lead you toward your soul’s purpose as it awakens with the memory of why you were born to this place and time.


Card Two- Destiny Life: The call of the soul (Campbell, 2020).

I find it amazing, as I often do when I do readings whether they are one on one or in general like this one, how apropos the cards are even within the context of mere placement. The second card is the Destiny Life card, the courageous call of the soul, and here we have The Courageous Peony. I love peonies. Have you ever seen them? The have so many petals, they look like a heavenly gift, waiting to be unwrapped, one petal at a time, to find the precious and beautiful core. Peonies demand all of our senses to awaken in their presence. They are unique, beautiful, as they unfold for the world to see without fear. They bloom in their own timing, without fear of being in competition with the daffodil, the lily, or the rose…. they are unapologetically who they are. This card is telling you that it is time to harness your courage because it is time to be who you really are, be vulnerable and strong, to reveal your true nature and allow the world around you to see your magnificent gifts and to embrace your uniqueness. There is no one quite like you on this planet and there likely never will be again. You have something to say, you have something valuable to bring to the table here and now. You have been hiding your purpose, your light, and your gifts for too long and it is time to venture off the safe path and onto a new one where you can flourish. You will be afraid and it won’t be easy. People will judge you as people are want to do but in the end you will find that the people you encounter and the experiences you walk through will finally introduce to your life, and your psyche, a sense of fulfillment you were beginning to believe was impossible. Speak. Be visible. It is time for you, like the peony, to demand the attention of everyone’s senses.


Card three- The Bride: The leap, challenge, or decision to face, ad the change or action you are being called to make (Campbell, 2020).

The bridge, the card that links the fated life with the destiny life- this is the leap and intentional action you need to bridge the two aspects of your life and purpose. We know the transition from what is safe to what is unknown, even when we can sense at our core it is what we need to do, is often terrifying and every reason we can think of to NOT change paths comes to mind as a way to protect us. This card is telling you that the biggest leap you have to take is to accept that new beginnings and new solutions, though scary, are imperative to get you out of your rut, and not only will you survive it, you will be better for it. It is the card that tells you to trust in your resilience. This card is also telling you to accept the support of the people around you who are encouraging you to be true to your purpose. Shifting your focus demands risk but the payoff is freedom. You can and will move forward, you can and will get out of the rut you have been in, and the fear that you will whither away will dissipate as you embrace the whole new world in front of you. You will bloom, like the courageous Peony, and the wisdom of your truest self, all the pain, love, and knowledge you have gathered along the way, will serve as beacon to others and enact change in the world around you that will certainly have far reaching influence as your example serves as a hope for others.

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