Ritual Intentions – Peace & Tarot

Peace is something we all long for. We want to have it in our lives, our minds, our relationships. We want it to exist between the people we interact with and in the world at large. Everyday we are bombarded by stimuli from every direction, and it can feel impossible to achieve peace. We can’t necessarily change other people, but we can certainly change how we respond to the demands of life. Additionally we can better navigate the ups and downs of our path. Likewise, we can achieve this gift but like anything worth having- it takes time, intention, and action. 

Tarot- The Hermit and The Star

The Hermit brings with him a sense of calm and solitude. He teaches us how to turn away from all the crazy distractions. We can learn from his ability to step away and contemplate his place in the world. More importantly, he embraces his inner light to make easy the path. Be inspired, go inward, and search for ways to bring peace into you mind, heart, and soul. Find wisdom in the tranqill depths of the quiet. Follow the Hermit’s lead and you will begin your quest.. 

The Star represents the payoff after you have taken the path of The Hermit. Stars fill the night sky and softly illuminate the landscape. The Star is calm and allows us to refill our cup of hope, faith, and peace of mind. Allow your spirit to once again be lifted as you look to the heavens and let The Star to lead you home. Find your way back to the safe place you now know you can create within. What is more is that you can achieve your goal when you let go of fear and embrace your inner courage and wisdom. No matter what happens, you will be ok. 

Peace and the Power of Crystals, Oils, & Herbs

I created this kit for the Ritual Intentions line for anyone longing for a safe place to regroup as they seek a tranquil place within. Each herb, crystal, and oil was chosen deliberately and intentionally, to aid you in your quest for peace. The salts serve as a protective barrier against anyone or anything that would attempt to take away or disrupt your peace. The herbs ground you in peaceful intention and the fragrant oils anoint you as you create a peaceful lifestyle in a world full of chaos.

As with any intention, manifestation requires action. If you want a peaceful respite in the form of self- care, feel free to use the crystal infused herbal salts in a bath. Additionally, the mesh bag serves a reusable tool for peaceful intentions. Place the herbs in the mesh bag and place them under your pillow, in a ritual bow, or just to carry with you. The same goes for the crystal infused oil roller. You can use this excellent aromatherapy tool to remind yourself to find time every day to seek solace in the peaceful realm of your inner consciousness. 

This kit is great for creating grids, spell casting, and ritual. The crystals used in each kit amplify the Peaceful intention and serve to help you on your path. 

Click here to purchase a Ritual Intentions Peace Kit!

Local? No problem! You can purchase here and we can meet at the Leesport Market. Email me with questions!