The Fool’s Journey

The Fool. I love the fool. I am the fool. So are you. So are we all The Fool. Tarot represents The Fool’s journey- the path of every man, woman, and child. It is life- the ups and downs, the sideways moments, the pinnacles of our successes and achievements and the barren wastelands of our fear and failure. This is the journey that we take as individuals; we learn lessons and apply them. We meet people all along the way- some who help us, some who hinder us. We make choices and we work through the consequences of our choices whether good or bad. Some journeys are cut short, and the rest of us are lost and sad, but no journey is wasted. Each one of us, each fool, lives a unique and precious life that is not to be wasted on fear. Instead, it is about building character through expressions of bravery and courage which manifests as our integrity.

Our lives are often difficult. Sometimes because of what others have done to us but more often because of our own choices and how we respond to the relentless stimuli of the world around us. There are some of us fools who are sinister characters placed here, it seems, to wreak havoc on us, set out to destroy the peace and unity that should exist between all of us. If we are wise, we stay away from those fools, pray for them, and take lessons from their behavior so that we don’t emulate it when our worst traits rear their ugly heads. Some of us fools are pure light, leaving each other fool with whom they interact feeling loved, always better for having met them. Most of us fall somewhere between the two. All of us a little light a little dark. Still, we all begin as the little bird about to fly off the branch, away from the safety of the nest and into the great wide open that is human possibility and potential. Maybe we were ready, maybe we weren’t. Maybe we fell and had to nurture broken wings, maybe we soared right away. Regardless, that step, that first try, is taken by each of us and it is a momentous occasion for it is the beginning, the true beginning of coming into our own and being accountable beings with full control over our choices and responses.

We all, at one time or another, and often enough over the course of a lifetime, stand at the edge of a precipice. We hear the call beckoning to us to follow- follow what, who, to where? Our hearts, our dreams, our goals sing in the calling and we never really know where the call will take us once we follow, we only know that we have to take the step, hearts pounding, excitement and fear fighting in our breasts for equal attention. Our journey, though already something special, is about to commence toward a new destination. We fools tend to do one of two things when called to be something special, to live differently. We either take the critical step into the unknown in anticipation of all the possibilities, or we firmly root ourselves into the ground out of fear of all that can go wrong. Over the course of our lives, we can all probably relate to both reactions and wonder what would have happened if we had decided otherwise. This is not to say we have regret but it’s hard not to wonder.

The fact is, as long as the fool breathes, as long as the fool can think, be autonomous over their choices and responses, the fool can learn and grow. If the fool wonders what if- then at any time the fool can make a change and choose to step out into the unknown, taking lessons learned from previous choices that can only enhance his or her very unique human experience. The point is- it’s ok to be the fool and it’s ok to take chances. It’s ok to step over the line, to take flight off of the steady branch of comfort and safety, it is ok to step forward an over the edge…. It’s all a part of the journey. Make the best of it.

My youngest son graduated from high school the other day. I am so proud of him!! He is getting ready to embark on the most incredible journey! My little bean- all grown up. I look at each of my beans, little birds navigating their steps away from the safety of the nest, getting ready to take flight. I am happy for them. I am scared for them. I know some of what awaits them on this journey- at least, I know that life has a funny way of taking us on unexpected twisted roads that can change everything. Mostly, I am excited for them. They have so many moments ahead of them. So many experiences to look forward to. So many adventures. I want them to be brave. I want them to be vibrant. I want them to be successful. I want them to learn lessons when they make mistakes and not be beaten by them. I want them to always choose the adventure. I want them to say sorry when they are wrong and accept forgiveness when it is given. I want them to forgive always because forgiveness is really grace and grace is a gift that serves us all.

As THIS fool navigates her journey, I am a little bit sad. I have raised these little chicks to be independent beings. I hope I have served them well. I hope my mistakes haven’t hurt them too much. I hope they have learned from my mistakes. I hope they know how much I love them. When I stepped off the precipice of parenthood, no one told me what it would be like. The highs and lows, the joy and pain, the excitement and fear, the gain and loss. I have loved being their mom so much. Who am I now? My little chicks are not the only one deciding what to do next, I stand high on the cliff looking at my world below. I am also about to embark on a new path, facing a new beginning. I know that my advice to my chicks is to embrace the “wild spirit of adventure” and to have “great faith and knowledge in what can and will bear them up and guide them through times to come” (Law & Moore, 2010). I want them to embrace the endless possibilities that exist for those who seek them out (Law & Moore, 2010). Live. Fly. Fall. Be brave. Be resilient. Be smart. Take the chance. Now, I need to apply that advice to myself!

Where are you in your fool’s journey? Post in the comments here or on my Facebook page-

The attached video is a gift to my beans. I love you all. May God bless you and Keep you. May you always have faith and always be brave through your fear. Always exhibit and offer grace and mercy. Be kind. Be smart. Love with all you are and allow yourself to receive love in return. Work hard but play often. And know, no matter what, that I love you with all that I am and I will always be with you no matter what.