Hello! Here is the promised reveal from last night’s card pull!!
Justice. You have something on your mind. It’s time to make a choice- and you aren’t sure what’s right or wrong! It’s ok to be worried about making the right decision. After all, as you weigh out all the options you can’t help but be concerned about the long term consequences of your decision. What will it mean for your life tomorrow, six months from now, ten years from now? How will it affect your loved ones? You understand the weight of this decision and the fact that it will have far reaching impacts and consequences. Still, the card is telling you, you have to decide at some point. Start by weighing all the pros and cons. Does your gut have any input? For me, my gut response is usually what tips the scales so what is your gut telling you? If you feel you don’t have all the information then by all means do more research. When your body is in alignment with your mind and soul, you will have your answer. Understand, however, that once the decision is made and put into action, you must stand by it and if you feel like you can’t do that right now, then please reconsider before it is too late to change your mind.
Remember, there is fairness in this card. Perhaps you are waiting for someone to decide something that will impact you! If you find yourself waiting for a decision, the card tells me that whatever is decided will ultimately be in your best interests. Ideally this will be in alignment with what you want to happen but whatever does happen will be good for you in long run. Either way, the truth will come out and you will have knowledge and power you did not have before.
Three of wands. You have been well supported by your loved ones for a long time and have a well developed sense of morality and values. You should know exactly who you are and be confident in the person that you have become. You have held back, though, relying on the guidance of others and their opinions about what you should do. The fact is, now is the time to make the decisions and choices presented based on your goals and what you feel is the right thing to do. You are in a unique position to see all the possible outcomes and now you just have to make the decision to move forward. Your eyes are wide open to the possibilities for both good outcomes and obstacles. This is a card of opportunity. If you are being called to travel- especially overseas, or go to school, this card is indicative of a good time for that. It’s about broadening your horizons. Stop thinking small. Thinking small has held you back your whole life. Only you are responsible for limiting your potential by playing it safe. Playing it safe has only diminished your success. Still, this is not something to get upset over- instead, look at your past decisions and learn from them. Look out over the horizon and get moving. Allow yourself to feel confident that you will be successful despite the limitations you fear you can’t overcome. You have prepared, or are preparing, and it’s time to take the next step. Remember, this is your life- it’s time to maximize your potential!
The Magician. This card is about potential, boundless energy, and expansion. This is about having all of the necessary tools to reach your goal and doing it. Taking action. You have developed your abilities and harvested significant knowledge. Don’t let your fear hold you back from doing what you know is the right thing. This card has each of the four elements represented, telling you that you have everything you need to achieve success. Take the ideas that have been running around in your mind and put them into action. It’s about putting all of your tools to work and manifesting the final product. You have more knowledge than you realize and it’s time to apply that knowledge. The key here is this- success must not be based on things… you must be emotionally connected to what it is you want to manifest otherwise you will lack the joy in the final result. When your soul is connected to your goal, when your creativity is engaged, then things like wealth and tangibles will have more meaning. As each opportunity arises, take advantage of it. See it for what it is. Don’t give into greed or rather, don’t allow that to be your focus. It’s ok to accumulate wealth or have lofty career goals but if it’s at the cost of everything else that’s important, you should reevaluate. Remember, too, that you are in position in your life to enact positive change for other people as well as yourself. It’s time to jump in, eyes wide open, and manifest that which serves your highest good and the highest good of those around you!
Enjoy!! Have a great night!!