Wednesday, Surrender Series- Day 9

From The Power of Surrender Cards by Judith Orloff, M.D.

Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping in! Today’s Surrender card is about surrendering your fear of change. I think that, to some extent, we all fear change. Some of us handle it better than others and some of us adapt more easily than others, especially when it comes to change we didn’t instigate or want. Some of us embrace change and the potentially new opportunities for experience and growth it can bring! Unfortunately, many of us find ourselves stuck in situations that don’t serve our highest good because we fear what changing will mean. Change is almost always disruptive in some way and even when we are unhappy, our fear of the disruption that comes with change will scare us away from taking actions that may actually be better for us.

I believe that we have free will and that every choice we make, every action we take, ultimately serves the higher purpose that God has created us to fulfill. I have found that even my mistakes, and the changes they have wrought in my life, have ultimately served to teach me necessary lessons as I navigate my path. So while change is uncomfortable for me I do not fear it. I am willing to make changes that are necessary even when it’s hard. My faith enables me to walk with confidence through times of change because I know in my bones that whatever happens will be for the best in the long run.

But it’s SO hard to let go of that fear, the worry, the doubt, and the uncertainty. You may have been with your company for 30 years and now face the change that comes with retirement, or getting laid off. Maybe you had to walk away from a relationship that you had relied upon for comfort and love. Maybe someone walked away from you. Sometimes, we get sick and have to navigate the changes in our bodies and minds that come with sickness. We all have to accept the change that comes with death- either the anticipation of our own or the death of someone we love, and there is only so much we can do to prepare for that change. The Lord knows, we have been dealing with change on a massive scale that has impacted us as a society as well as individually. This card is asking you to accept change, whether you instigated it or not, and embrace it so you can see how it can positively impact your life!! There is beauty even in the worst that change can throw at us, even if it’s hard to see it right away.

Opportunity is often found in change and sometimes we manifest opportunity by making changes. The status quo is comfortable, steady, and deceptively safe. The fact is, nothing is really safe, and nothing is actually guaranteed. Life just doesn’t work that way. That sense of stability is both real and an illusion. Change is inevitable so our sense of stability should be grounded in that fact rather than a faulty perception. If we embrace that change is inevitable, that sometimes change happens despite our efforts to stay stagnant or in our comfort zone, and that change always leads to growth, development, and insight, then our fear of change ebbs into something far more subtle and far less debilitating. After all, we all age, we are all changing as I write these words. Sure, it scares me, what these changes may mean for me, but there is also a curiosity, even a twinge of excitement, at what these changes will look like. I hope to make the best of all of my changes. What about you?

Remember, we are all in this together. Seriously. Change binds us all. We all experience it and we can all relate to it in some way. I would be hard pressed to find a single individual who has not experienced devastating change as well as amazingly wonderful change. If you are going through some scary changes or are thinking about making some changes in your life, reach out to someone you trust so that you don’t feel so alone while going through the process. Do not isolate yourself. If I have learned anything over the past year or so it’s that isolation is far more toxic than I had ever realized, especially during times of change such as these. So please, reach out to someone. Heck, reach out to me. I’m on Facebook at or email me at [email protected]. Just remember you don’t have to navigate these changes alone. And remember, you are a loved, created child of a Divine Creator (whatever you call him/her/it), with a purpose to fulfill . Don’t be afraid of the changes…. You got this.

Take care everyone! See you later !