Sometimes you just have to surrender….

Many of you may know that I love the Power of Surrender card deck by Judith Orloff, M.D. Like my other oracle decks, I use these to focus on very specific problems or issues that you, or I, may be dealing with in a way that doesn’t complicate things. Tarot tells a story. Oracles, while they CAN and often enhance storytelling, do not. That’s why I like to use them for my blog posts. There are lessons in each card for everyone, but your soul will let you know when the lesson is specifically designed for your circumstance. The Power of Surrender cards teach us what we need to surrender, or let go of, but also what we may need to surrender to. Today’s cards represent both.

Surrender to Nonaction

I pulled this card and laughed out loud. This is spring break for the school district I work at so one would think this is the PERFECT time to be still, not act, breathe, and focus on myself. Not so! I am Busy, Busy, Busy! I have academic work for my Master’s degree to do, cleaning, training’s to complete for work, as well as working on this blog and the business of serving YOU! How in the world can I possibly adhere to this call to nonaction? In many ways, and a lot like you I’m sure, I cannot. However, I had planned for this week to be busy so I can accomplish my goals so I am not frenzied and stressed later on. I also planned to take me time in the form of movie watching in the evening, something I rarely do, so I can enjoy films I haven’t seen in a long time or take a chance on films I have not seen (by the way, Thirteen Conversations About One Thing is really interesting, thought provoking and worth the time if you ever come across it.) This card, when I take it at face value, is in no way alluding to my busy schedule. However, it could be about yours. You may be working every day this week and have a million things, and a million people, pulling you in a million different directions. When you think of nonaction, you may very feel nauseous knowing that nonaction is not something you can physically do right now because you are so damned busy. I’m here to tell you that this card does NOT mean to simply stop doing everything and let it all fall apart. Instead, take a moment. You have a moment, even though you feel overwhelmed, you have at least one moment. Stand, sit, lay down, whatever… close your eyes, and breathe. Take a deep breath. Take another. Take as many as you need. Be still. This card is about refilling your social-emotional cup. It doesn’t mean to up and quit or let all the important things and people fall by the wayside… it means take a moment and allow yourself to feel your own power again. Honestly, this may give you the mental clarity you have needed to figure out how to get something done a better way or perhaps delegate a responsibility…. Maybe it will allow help to come to you if you take a moment just to breathe and allow them to come. Remember this as you navigate this busy and overly complicated life. For me? I also have to do this. I need the moment to reconnect with myself so I can move on to the next task. I close my eyes and look forward to watching Garden State tonight as the payoff for all of my hard work! On another note, if you have been investing a lot of time and emotional energy into someone, maybe so much so that you are willing to jump through hoops of fire to get their attention, this card may be telling you to breathe, remember your power, and like the card says- let that person come to you. You have done all you can do. Let them do their part. If they don’t, you have your answer. Let them go.

Surrender Obsessive Thinking

Wow. SO, if you’re like me, you looked at the first card and thought- yeah right. I need some clarification. So I pulled this one. Surrender Obsessive Thinking. WOW. In order to surrender to nonaction and breathe…. maybe even to let others come to me, I need to stop obsessing. So, now, maybe the first card is less about you being overworked and busy and more about you obsessing over someone and the need for them to respond to you. Have you found yourself falling into traps, trying to get someone’s attention, resolution, love, friendship, or even a new job and you have become somewhat, ok a LOT, obsessed over the lack of attention or response? I feel you. I do that, too. Especially when it is SO important to me. This card answers your questions about either situation. If you are overburdening yourself about the things you have to get done and the people you have to bend over backward for, this is telling you that the best way to take that moment to breathe is to stop obsessing over it all. Obsessing will only get you more caught up in the crazy making frenzy of your own making. It will keep you off balance and when you are unbalanced you can never be centered and tyo hell with grounded. The card says to turn it over to spirit and there is a LOT to be said about that. For me? I turn a lot over to God. I have done all I can, said all I can, and now it’s out of my hands. So let me take my deep breath and close my eyes, allow my power to be restored, refill my cup, recognize that there is a limit to what I can do all by myself. I have to stop obsessing over things and people I have no control over. Clarity will come to me. Time will pass no matter what and things will get done or they won’t. Obsessing over it all will get me no where. It WILL make me unhappy, stressed, angry, and frustrated. Let it go. Give it to God or spirit, or the universe. Just let it go. Remember- none of this is worth it, no one is worth it, if you aren’t replenished in some way.

If you want to talk about your crazy life or frenzied obsessions, feel free to email me at [email protected] or message me through my Facebook page-

If you want to dive deep into your life path and soul’s purpose, schedule a reading!