
The Starseed Oracle, Rebecca Campbell and Danielle Noel

As I was doing the reading in the last post the wind blew and a card fell onto the ground. When I reached for it I saw that it was the “Called” card. To share a bit personally, I know that this card was meant for me- but I am compelled to share because I don’t think this card was meant for me to keep to myself especially within the context of the original reading. I have been struggling. It has not been an easy road and there has been and will probably continue to be a lot of change as I navigate my life path. I am scared, just like you. I am afraid of letting go- even that which no longer serves, that which holds me back…. I am afraid of letting go because I have become comfortable in the state of miserable safety. I am afraid to put myself out there. I am afraid of rejection and abandonment because they have been twin demons who have haunted my life from very early on. I am afraid to make phone calls. I am afraid of saying I’m sorry and I’m afraid of saying I’m NOT sorry. I am afraid to say I am lonely. I am afraid to say I am tired.

I have immersed myself in training after training and I will continue to do so because yes, I believe that it’s important to my growth both personally and professionally, but also because I am afraid to put this training into practice. I am just as frightened of saying hello as I am of saying goodbye.

But when I look at this card I see a woman who is walking toward her destiny and I can feel her fear as she takes one step after the other toward that door to a whole new way of life. But her fear is not holding her back. She is walking forward in spite of it, maybe because it, because it motivates her toward the truth, belonging, self love, true love, self worth, and finally embracing the wonder and the magic of all that she is. And while all of that scares her, I can feel her excitement, her acceptance of her own frailty and imperfections and she embraces them and all of the mistakes and the regrets that have formed her into who she was, is now, and will be…. because she knows that her journey will help illuminate the path for someone else. Her light, well, she will not allow it to be snuffed out. She will join her sister and brother stars and become greater than even her wildest dreams.

I want to be that woman. I am that woman. I am called and I promise to step up and share my soul gifts and training with you. Will you share yours with me? Follow me on Facebook and let’s chat!