It’s been a year…here’s a cardpull

Justice- Shadowscapes by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

Justice. This card is SO apropos. What is justice? According to the text that accompanies the Shadowscapes deck, Justice is “[b]alance, harmony, equilibrium, assuming responsibility, weighing all sides of an issue before making a decision, choosing with full awareness. Justice relies on logical mind, capable of objective ruling on situations and adjusting what needs reassessment. Meditation on right, morality, and duty, and perhaps compromise must be made in order to truly even both sides of a situation. Admit and acknowledge truth. Comprehend the results of your actions and the connections they have to everything around, and from that, set a course for the future” (Law & Moore, 2019). Amazing. This card is asking us to carefully understand all sides of the situation at hand before making a decision or taking action. We are emotional beings but we are also supposed to be rational. We are all searching for truth but we must also use our logical minds to apply the information we are receiving to the situations at hand. We have a moral duty to truth, and truth and justice walk hand in hand. Remember- we are all connected even when we disagree. We all have biases and it is important to be honest about your bias when applying information. What we feel is not always truth. That may be the most challenging thing we have to face as human beings. Our egos are fragile and as long as we maintain our fragility we will never really find what we seek. Of course, that is only if you truly seek truth and justice. If not, then this card will have little meaning to you. Keep in mind though, balance can only be achieved when true justice has been meted out (Law & Moore, 2019). Until then, we will all suffer the consequences of injustice and lack of truth.

This year has been pretty remarkable for all of us. Social and civil unrest on a global level. A highly contested American presidential election the outcome of which can change the very definition of the United States. A pandemic that has been the source of unprecedented fear across the globe. We humans have been put through the ringer no matter who you are, where you live, or what you believe. As an empath, it has been extraordinarily difficult to navigate the universal emotional upheaval on top of my own, especially during the past couple of months. The pain, anger, fear, and general anxiousness that has pervaded the very air we breathe has become almost unbearable. I don’t know about you but it has affected my health both physically and mentally. While I have been able to work and go to school, I haven’t had the energy or the interest to keep up with anything else that is so important to me. I haven’t kept up with this site and I haven’t done any readings since September. Simply put- I am exhausted. However, I know that I cannot just give up and neither can you.

So, I will do this slowly and surely. I am offering four card oracle/tarot readings for the holidays and the new year for $30. These readings are STRICTLY long distance. What this means is that after we chat about which deck you’d like, or whether you would like a mixture of decks, and how I will pull your cards, I will put together a full color report style reading and send it right to your inbox. The reading will include a card by card description as well as an intuitive reading. For the time being, until I can do readings in person, sans masks, this is how I’m doing them. I have done readings via Messenger and Zoom and I simply do not like them. Just because I can do them doesn’t mean I should. It’s hard to explain and I apologize for the inconvenience. Regardless, this is a great deal. Please send me an email at [email protected] or through Messenger on Facebook

If you are local and you would prefer a face to face reading I am open to it. Again, message me for details.