Happy New Moon in Virgo!

Abundance Grid last night after I cleared the energy and sanctified the space.

Good morning! Officially, the New Moon in Virgo dawns at 7am EST.- a few minutes away! I have just activated my grid and I am feeling excited and determined. The hardest part of intention setting for me is not getting thrown off the path. I struggle with outside obstacles, but also from negative feelings that come from within whether they are legitimate or born of fear. I spent a LOT of time with this grid and the purpose of my grid, abundance, is not just about me making money. It is about that, of course, but it is about the feeling and life of freedom that I anticipate with abundance. This business means a lot to me and I want it to succeed. I know that making a beautiful crystal grid and setting a lunar/solar intention is not going to magically conjure it. But it is a representation of the final goal, what I can look at, touch, and smell to keep me forward focused and a reminder that I cannot give up.

This New Moon in Virgo is one that will offer you the insight to cut through the nonsense of what your emotions and long term circumstances may be making cloudy. However, being able to pinpoint the problems may be easier than figuring out how to fix them. Still, better to have a clear knowledge of the why’s than still being confused about them. While this time is great for reflection and clarity, it takes action in order for change to occur. That is the challenge this new moon passes on to you. Taking initiative to make the right changes, even sacrifices, in order to live a nourishing and happy life. It may mean having painful and difficult conversations with people in your life who make you feel bad or sad and possibly creating distance. It could mean making decisive cuts- a relationship, a job, even a habit- that may have become a more negative influence than a positive one. The fact is, the new moon is providing you the time to see with clarity and to come to the best conclusions- ones you can work with so you can take positive action. It doesn’t promise it will be easy if you choose to follow through. Ultimately, this New Moon is offering balance restored. It is exciting… and terrifying. At least for me.

My horoscope for this new moon, according to LA based astrologer Chani Nicholas, especially since it is designed for Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising, is especially appropriate for me. In a nutshell, it says that it is time to for me to “reset my professional expectations, rework my agendas, and clarify the reason why I am doing what I am doing. I owe it to my projects and my own effort to make sure it’s being channeled towards a clear goal. Those that have the tools necessary to help me build towards this future are more than welcomed, they are cherished members of the team” (Nicholas, 2020). All of this is exactly what the card pulls I have done in honor of this moon and abundance grid have indicated. It finally hit me what my goal is in this abundance intention- Freedom. The horoscope also asks that I be first on my list and that I “lead myself to the people and the scenarios that help me heal (Nicholas, 2020). I highly recommend you check out her wonderfully affirming Horoscope page for this New Moon at https://chaninicholas.com/horoscopes-for-the-new-moon-in-virgo-2020/

What is the New Moon clarifying for you? What action do you think you may have to take, even if it’s painful? Or, if you don’t have anything in particular that is bothering you, do you have an intention you’d like to set or follow for the lunar cycle? My abundance grid is started on the New Moon right before the next Solar cycle (Fall) begins and I plan to keep it up for a while. Did you make a grid? If so- please share!! You can comment here on the blog or on my Facebook page under THIS post! https://www.facebook.com/jupiterrisingtarot12

Looking forward to chatting later! See you soon!

Abundance grid this morning, all lit up just after activation! Happy New Moon!